Man kills supervisor for ‘sex assault’ bid

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BHUBANESWAR: A construction worker allegedly bludgeoned his supervisor to death on Friday after the latter touched him inappropriately during a booze party.
Accused Ranjan Deep was detained for interrogation. Susant Satpathy’s body was recovered from a two-storey building where he lived with Deep and where they were engaged for minor renovation work.
Deep told the police that he and Satpathy drank on the rooftop from Thursday night till early Friday morning.


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Deep alleged that Satpathy touched him inappropriately and attempted to sexually abuse him.

Deep said he was shocked at Satpathy’s behaviour and opposed him vehemently. The accused said he finally lost his cool and attacked Satpathy with an iron rod, killing him on the spot.

Deep hid Satpathy’s body in a corner of the building and covered it with cloth. Around 10 am, another worker spotted blood stains on the roof and Satpathy’s body and informed the police.

“We have detained the accused, who was on the run after the murder. He is being questioned. The duo picked up a quarrel while drinking alcohol. The reason behind the scuffle and exact motive of the murder are being verified,” deputy commissioner of police Prateek Singh said.

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