This story is from April 1, 2020

'Don't blame NRIs for spreading Covid-19'

'Don't blame NRIs for spreading Covid-19'
“There are reports of Punjab villages boycotting NRIs and abusing them. We (NRIs) built temples, gurdwaras, funded elections, did free shows for raising charity for calamities in India and did everything to help people there. Yet, today when NRIs need help from Indian counterparts, they are being stranded at airports, cities and made to hide like thieves for evading quarantine, which is so sad.
There are elderly people who had travelled to India for a short stay and are stuck there now without any knowledge of where to get their medicines, food etc., because everything shutdown so rapidly. And here we are, in foreign countries, taking care of the Indian kids studying here who couldn’t make it back home. I have also requested Punjabi singers not to release any songs at this time and also request others to stop making jokes and memes on NRIs. This is not the time for it. You are projecting the entire community in bad light and people are mocking you of being flippant and trying to cash in on the situation. People are scared right now, give them good advice, and hope instead. And if you continue lashing NRIs, they will be scared to come back to India, causing investment losses.” - Malkit Singh

“As a world we are united in our fight against this global pandemic. China allowed this virus to spread throughout the world. People of Punjab should not blame NRIs, and instead follow government guidelines to contain this virus. Coronavirus is serious, and we could lose thousands more lives if people don't follow protocol. The majority of cases that have foreign connections, is of the ones who were Indian citizens who were travelling abroad and not NRI's visiting India. Don’t blame anyone and be safe, stay clean and stay home.”

Babbu Maan

NRIs brought prosperity in Punjab, don’t blame them

Babbu Maan

About the Author
Jaspreet Nijher

Jaspreet Nijher, principal correspondent, has been working as a features journalist at The Times of India, Chandigarh, for the past seven years. Her interests range from interacting with people from diverse backgrounds to listening to soft English rock and classical, pop music, reading books on spirituality, philosophy, astrology and fashion. Her hobbies include writing and driving.

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