Chennai weather update: City to get more light to moderate intensity rainfall in next two days, says IMD

Chennai has recorded 198.1mm rainfall since June 1, which is 336% excessChennai has recorded 198.1mm rainfall since June 1, which is 336% excess
CHENNAI: Intense evening rain spells have left the city and the neighbouring districts the wettest since 1996. IMD has forecast more rainfall of light to moderate intensity for the next two days.

Since June 1, Chennai has recorded 198.1mm rainfall, which is 336% excess. The city's average rainfall for the month is 6cm. Chengelpet has recorded 154.4mm rainfall, which 305% excess, Kancheepuram has recorded 175.5mm, which 266% excess and Tiruvallur has recorded 185.7mm rainfall which is 263% excess.

"For the next 48 hours, the city and suburbs are likely to receive light to moderate rainfall with thunderstorms and lightning over some areas during evening or night. Maximum temperature is likely to be around 36-37°C and minimum temperature is likely to be around 26°C," an IMD bulletin said. Blogger Pradeep John said the 218.9mm rainfall recorded in the city's Nungambakkam observatory this month till June 22 was the fourth wettest for the month of June since 1813. The 262.3mm rainfall recorded in Meenambakkam observatory till June 22 was the second wettest for the month of June since 1950.


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"Normal rainfall for June is around 60mm rainfall. Crossing 100mm is a very rare event. This year the number of rainy days has been nine in Nungambakkam and 11 in Meenambakkam," he said in one of his posts.

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