4 big cat attacks in 6 months in Khatima

4 big cat attacks in 6 months in Khatima

Rudrapur: Since the beginning of this year, there have been six tiger attacks in Khatima. On January 10, Shubhavati (50) was killed near the forest edge in Sarpuda Navadiya village. A few days later on January 17, Zahiruddin (55) and Mo Azim (31) were injured by a tiger while travelling on the Khatima-Puranpur road. On May 12, Trilok Singh Samant and his wife narrowly escaped a tiger attack while cutting grass in Rawat colony forest. The latest incident happened on June 19 when a tiger killed Prem Chand (70) in the Chakarpur plantation area. In 2023 alone, Khatima witnessed over a dozen tiger attacks. Uttarakhand, home to 560 tigers, has seen an increase in attacks due to their growing population, said authorities. Aakash Ahuja

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