7 doctors use fake documents for RMC registration in Rajasthan

JAIPUR: Seven doctors who completed MBBS from foreign universities were found practising in the state after procuring Rajasthan Medical Council (RMC) registration on fake documents. Out of those seven, two landed govt jobs and are working in govt hospitals in Jaipur district.

The RMC, during verification of their documents from the National Board of Examination (NBE) in Medical Sciences, found that they had submitted fake documents to get the RMC registration. The doctors' permanent RMC registration, mandatory to practise medicine, has been cancelled.

"Those who complete MBBS from foreign universities need to clear examination conducted by NBE in medical sciences if they want to practise in India. But these seven doctors failed the test and hence could not treat patients in the country. However, they managed to get fake documents as evidence of clearing the NBE exam, on the basis of which they got RMC registration," said Dr Rajesh Sharma, RMC registrar.


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Now, the RMC will write to the state govt to check if the other five have also got jobs in any govt hospitals. The RMC is now taking measures to ensure that such malpractices stop. For this the RMC has started verification of doctors' documents to make the entire process online. The RMC will issue smart cards to doctors with a QR code. On scanning the QR code all details of the doctor including his degrees, experience etc can be accessed.

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