This story is from November 18, 2022

Udaipur rail bridge blast: 300 more gelatin sticks recovered

A day after 186kg gelatin sticks were recovered from Bhabrana bridge at Som river near Aspur in Dungarpur district, the police once again on Wednesday recovered around 300 gelatin sticks which were hidden behind the bushes on the banks of the river.
Udaipur rail bridge blast: 300 more gelatin sticks recovered
Udaipur: A day after 186kg gelatin sticks were recovered from Bhabrana bridge at Som river near Aspur in Dungarpur district, the police once again on Wednesday recovered around 300 gelatin sticks which were hidden behind the bushes on the banks of the river. Women of the nearby village informed the police about the packets that were lying in the bushes.
After getting information, DSP Kamal Kumar and Sawai Singh Sodha, SHO Aspur police station reached the spot.
The DST team from Dungarpur also reached the spot.
According to Sodha, the police recovered 27 packets of gelatin sticks which were dumped at five different places near Gadha Nathji on Som River. Linking the incidence with the recent Udaipur-Ahmedabad railway line blast, on Wednesday afternoon, the IB team from Gujarat also reached the spot and started investigation, said Sodha.
Meanwhile in Udaipur, even after four days of the Oda railway bridge blast, the police and the central investigation agencies have not been able to come to any conclusion. The police have so far questioned more than 100 people, but could not get any lead from anyone. Police is closely examining more than 2,000 mobile phone numbers with the help of CDR. The police are focusing more on those numbers which were active for more than five minutes in that area on Saturday evening, the day on which the explosion took place.
More than 150 police personnel and more than 50 officers of various investigation agencies are investigating the blast incident. Due to lack of local network, the officers of central investigating agencies are completely dependent on the police and are issuing instructions to the police teams.
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