This story is from September 7, 2023

Off to the moon we go! Importance of India's Chandrayaan-3 mission

Off to the moon we go! Importance of India's Chandrayaan-3 mission
We all know that the bright scientists at the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) successfully landed a spacecraft on the lunar surface last month, making India only the fourth country in the world to achieve the feat.
But why are we sending a spacecraft to the Moon in the first place?
India launched the Chandrayaan-3 mission to the Moon because it wants to learn more about our mysterious neighbor in the sky.

Imagine the Moon as a big, rocky playground in outer space, and we Earthlings want to discover all its secrets.
Sending a rocket to the Moon is like sending a super smart robot to do some detective work. In this case, the robot was the rover called Pragyan which conducted a series of experiments on the Moon.
The robot took pictures, studied rocks, and even checked if there's any water or other interesting stuff on the lunar surface.
Why do we want to know all this? Well, it's because the Moon can tell us about the history of our own planet,
Earth. It's like reading a history book, but instead of words, we're reading Moon rocks and dust.
Also, one day, we might want to visit the Moon, just like an amazing space adventure! But before we do that, we need to understand it better to make sure we're prepared and can do it safely.
So, India and many other countries are sending rockets to the Moon to learn, explore, and satisfy our curiosity about the fascinating world above us. It's like solving a space mystery, and who knows what amazing things we might discover up there!
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