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International Plastic Bag Free Day: ‘An average person uses 83 plastic bags per year’

Dhanya Ramkumar dons a powerful look crafted from recycled plastic in this exclusive shoot for Bangalore Times. “Actors, as public... Read More
Even as calls to reduce plastic pollution grows louder, research paints a grim picture of our reliance on single-use plastic bags. An estimated 500 billion are used globally every year, with a staggering 99% ending up wasted. Despite intervention from governments, only a tiny fraction — around 1 per cent — is recycled. An average person reportedly uses 83 plastic bags annually – that’s one per person every four-and-a-half days. On International Plastic Bag Free Day today, Bangalore Times unpacks this issue and explores solutions.

Simple changes can make a big difference, says Dhanya RamkumarActress Dhanya Ramkumar says she’s been advocating for a greener planet in her own small way. “The ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ concept is something we’ve all learned, but it often takes a backseat. I believe it’s time to make sustainable practices a priority. Even simple things like reducing clothing consumption can make a difference. The more clothes we buy, the more waste we create. Simple changes like using jute bags instead of plastic (as many governments are already encouraging) can make a big difference,” she says.
What is the problem with plastic bags?
  • Plastic bags take a long time to break down: Plastic bags can take anywhere from 100 to 500 years to decompose in landfills, leaching harmful chemicals into the soil and polluting the environment.
  • Plastic bags harm wildlife: Animals often mistake plastic bags for food, leading to serious health problems and even death.
  • Plastic bags pollute our oceans: Millions of plastic bags end up in our oceans every year, threatening marine life and ecosystems.

Industries continue to retail plastic bags and packaging
  • From garment bags to individual item packaging, the fashion industry heavily relies on plastic
  • Pre-packaged fruits and vegetables often come in flimsy plastic bags, despite being natural and often already protected by their own skin
  • Online shopping has boomed, but so has the use of plastic bags for packaging and delivery
  • Small items like hardware, electronics, and even pharmacy purchases often come with unnecessary plastic bags
Reliance on plastic bags sees an uptick, even though bans on single-use plastic bags increase
In 2022, India took a significant step forward with the Plastic Waste Management Amendment Rules (2021). These rules banned 19 categories of single-use plastics, disposable items typically used once and discarded. This includes plastic cups, spoons, earbuds, decorative thermocol (polystyrene), wrapping film used on sweet boxes and cigarette packets, and plastic cutlery. However, as per reports, bans on single-use plastic items are not uniformly enforced nationally with several outlets continuing to retail these goods.

How you can make a difference
  1. Invest in reusable bags: Keep a stash of reusable canvas or cloth bags in your car or purse, so you’re always prepared when shopping.
  2. Bring your own produce bags: Opt for reusable mesh bags for fruits and vegetables instead of the flimsy plastic ones often offered at stores.
  3. Say no to plastic straws: Many restaurants and cafes offer plastic straws by default. Decline and use a reusable metal or silicone straw instead.
  4. Spread awareness: Talk to your friends and family about the issue of plastic pollution and encourage them to adopt sustainable alternatives.
  5. Choose products with minimal packaging: Look for items with minimal or recyclable packaging when shopping.
  6. Buy in bulk: When practical, opt for bulk purchases to reduce the amount of packaging used per item.
  7. Support businesses with sustainable practices: Choose stores and brands that are committed to reducing plastic waste in their products and operations.

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