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Navardev: Bsc. Agri

U26 Jan, 2024 2 hrs 19 mins

Navardev: Bsc. Agri Movie Review: Genuine attempt that tries to pack in a lot more than it should

Critic's Rating: 2.5
Navardev BSc Agri, as its name suggests, is a story about a groom-to-be who has studied agriculture and, more importantly, wants to put the knowledge to practical use in his village by doing something that most youngsters are running away from today - farming. Agriculture is one of the, if not the most, important pillars of Indian economy but the sector has often been seen in a negative light of late citing reasons like low or no income, farmer suicides and more. Through this film, Ram Khatmode tries to address these issues while weaving the story of a budding romance.

Rajvardhan (Kshitish Date) has completed his graduation in agriculture from a city college and unlike his peers, he returns to his village to put his learning to use. A passionate farmer, Rajvardhan introduces new ideas to improve crop yield and income to his fellow farmers but is met with resistance. Parallely, his family is looking for a prospective bride for Rajvardhan and they too face resistance, of a different kind though. The families they meet are against marrying their girls to a farmer, for various reasons, all rooted deeply in the lack of respect and misunderstandings about the field. When Rajvardhan meets Sukanya (Priyadarshini Indalkar), their wavelengths match, but the families aren't on the same page.

Broadly, two things are progressing simultaneously in Navardev BSc Agri but one doesn't take away focus from the other. The film could easily have drifted into becoming a repetitive love story, or one about issues faced by farmers in Maharashtra. By not letting that happen, Khatmode scores brownie points. The actors add to the impact, with Kshitish Date delivering a noteworthy performance. Makarand Anaspure, Priyadarshini Indalkar and Hardik Joshi are sincere in their portrayals too.

That said, the film has its drawbacks - predominantly related to stereotypes about people's weight, caste and views about marriage. It also strays away with the introduction of another suitor (Hardik Joshi) for the sake of conflict in the love story.

In the end, Navardev BSc Agri is a genuine attempt at highlighting why farming and farmers shouldn't be neglected, but it tries to pack in a lot in its running time, thereby not keeping the audience engaged throughout.

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