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Can love exist without sex?

They say men are from Mars and women from Venus. Women have sex to feel loved and men find love for sex. So, are love and sex inextricably linked? Can love exist without sex? Quite often, a woman considers love as the foundation of intimacy and a man considers sex to be the ultimate expression of love. Understanding how each views sex is important for sustaining a relationship and keeping love alive. But what is it that drives women closer to men - is it love that leads to lust or vice versa?
yes (54%) 459 Votes
no (46%) 392 Votes
[email protected], Chandigarh, 2014-09-12 02:40:40.0
yes, because i think true love and sex are different. we love our brothers and sisters, parents, child even non living objects like our car, plants, or our planet. we have even love, affection and respect to some people in our life till the end of our life. we keep hard working not because of sex(to keep our self happy) but because we want to keep our loved ones happy. we can grow our population with sex but we can't survive without true love. and that's my thoughts.

Akarsh K B, banglore, 2014-07-01 17:29:55.0
yes it can,thats what i call as pure love

Ankush Singhal, Unknown, 2014-04-02 17:34:49.0
It is possible that love can exist without lust, however sex strengthens the bond between lovers . and love is supposed to make people happy .

rock star, Unknown, 2014-01-17 21:39:49.0
when its love.. its love and not lust!

Bhavya Chowdhary Nagothu, Warangal, India, 2013-11-12 18:47:17.0
Bhavyachandchowdary sex is a physical love,but love is cames from heart which we can't show

[email protected], Hyderabad, 2013-09-29 11:49:33.0
Love is the feeling,We always express our love to the one we loved by sharing our feeling with them like our happiness,joy,pain.etc and sex is just a part of love

Travis, NY, 2013-06-30 10:58:04.0
Yes, and I have experienced this "true love". When someone really likes you, they just want to spend time with you and laugh and hang out. Physical contact isn't involved-that's lust. I've liked this girl for about 2 years, and all I want to do is to be with her, together. True love develops from friendship, when you guys get close. This is what finding a soulmate is all about. To show you love her, you have to show you care about her. Not sex. But today's society, it's hard to find true love. But love can exist without sex, and it's wonderful.

jaya, hyderabad, 2013-05-13 10:56:01.0
i think sex is just a physical act of love, but loving someone with full of hearts is true love, and a person who love truly can exist without love

Milan Soni, Madhya Pradesh, 2012-10-22 22:36:09.0
MOST READED -i think.....sex is important for sustaining a relationship and keeping love alive.sex insure a better relationship beetwee husband wife even both of them have 1 to 2 times in aweek........this ensure a better relations amuung them and both can understand their feeling...better..}

tamoneko, Balkan, 2012-10-22 00:12:01.0
Sex to a love is what fork is to a cup. They are often found at the same place, people refer to them as the same type of thing(laundry) but in reality they have nothing to do with each other, and are absolutely independent of each other. I always believed and will ALWAYS BELIEVE that THE REAL PURE LOVE doesn't even need any sex at all. This is coming from a 24 years old male from Balkan.

raj, karnataka, 2013-02-19 19:50:46.0

sahil, jaipur, 2012-10-31 23:48:32.0
love is a name , sex is a game forget the name lets play the game

Malik Pardeep, Gurgaon, 2012-10-06 05:43:23.0
if u won't make love to your wife...how long she gonna stay wid u?

Arghya Mondal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 2012-09-07 23:39:40.0
LOVE is worship and dedication. you have to be dedicated to your lover.Love can not exist without sex. why because, LOVE makes each other closer from mind to mind and heart to heart also to know each other. its all about attraction to opposite sex, then feelings and a warm touchesssss...

Ramki, Chennai, 2012-06-22 14:30:14.0
To love Indirectly means the rights which he/she will give to their opponents without finding Embarrassed, and Sex removes the Ackwardness in the Initial Stage of married Life so as to serve each other in Difficult times especially in Oldage times.

Syam, Ahmrdarino, 2012-06-01 08:13:33.0
Depends on the definition of love. For boy and girl in love i say its immpossible.. Love 1. (2) a strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction for someone (Oxford dictionary).

NextNemo, India, 2012-03-27 18:19:27.0
Sex is integral part of the word 'love'. Science tells that a male's job is to spread his genes through reproduction. Human beings are emotional AND can express emotions. Therefore we feel a thing like love. So of course when you fall in love with a girl, you want to have sex with her. AND not with any other girl.

N, tokyo, 2011-12-16 12:38:24.0
sex is a part of love

tan, delhi, 2011-04-29 00:04:42.0
sex is integral part of love if u love with ur partner u must with him/her.if not it means ur not normal human.

Lust, Mexico, 2011-04-28 20:19:51.0
Sex is an extension of love ! Rather called as love making!