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Do open relationships work?

With growing sexual freedom, an increasing number of couples are seeking gratification outside of their marriages or relationships in an attempt to nurture a healthier conjugal and holistic life and shed the garb of hypocrisy. People who are looking at open marriages or relationships are stepping out of the closet, and rewriting the marriage sutra. Call it shocking or call it an indication of changing societal codes, the question is: are such relationships better than closed relationships where there are more chances of emotional, psychological, sexual, physical and economic violence as well as cheating, fraud and back-stabbing? Do open relationships really work and are they morally right? Or do they only mean inviting problems?
yes (39%) 34 Votes
no (61%) 55 Votes
Swappy, Navi Mumbai, 2013-06-23 14:14:10.0
Yes, it does works, it takes little bit of adjustment, commitment, open - hearted, less selfish mind. World is too little for jealously and hatred. Why not spend life with love and arms spreaded?

sheerin, hyd, 2011-02-04 14:21:01.0
yes open relation work. We r living in modern era so what wrong to have open relationship in married. My husband is broad minded he dont have any problem when had and any type of relation other men or even with his friends b coz he too enjoy his life and had relationship with many womens.

Moon Moon, Gulf, 2011-02-04 14:18:11.0
Yes, this is the ideal relationship one could imagine but both partners should be responsible human beings who should not hide anything about their external relationships, should not bring home their extra-marital partners and should not be jealous on each other. All other talkings by puritans are sheer hypocrisy...

Hanna, Hanna, 2011-02-04 13:59:56.0
Open relationships give your mental freedom..In closed relationship like marriage you bound to do so many things...:( Difference is just that In open relation your mind is free from the fact that if the relation will not work you can quit..but in marriage..phewww...

vish, mumbai, 2011-02-04 13:59:21.0
I think it does work, but it takes understanding of both the partners,

sheela, hyderabad, 2011-02-04 12:57:36.0
deepika we r talking about relationships and not friendship, do u think u can survive without sex in open relationship.

B, M, 2011-02-04 01:16:30.0
Honesty in any form works

pghosh, kolkata, 2011-02-04 00:54:08.0
its worthy

skolia, delhi, 2010-10-22 15:09:45.0
yes they do

Stalin Babu, Bangalore, 2010-10-22 13:59:49.0
The open Relationships will works all the time

Asif Zaman, Calcutta, India, 2013-11-07 23:10:42.0
These concepts are the only reason of the young generation developing a confused mind. Pals, this entire "open relationship" might sound fascinating to people to India but the West has already tried it and it's suffer the consequences - The fall out of meaning and bond in a family. Who's said a person is selfish if he or she is in a committed relationship instead of an open one. A relationship is between two people. It's like a line drawn between two point. Now it doesn't always mean that you can draw only one straight line between two dots. In fact there are several ways to join to point. In general, there are several way to strengthen strong bond between two people in a committed relationship.

[email protected], pune, 2012-07-27 20:49:23.0
i have experienced open relationship and it did not last. both levels of understanding should be mature . cause it's equivalent together ;like a married couple

sanaya bhatia, pune, 2012-07-27 18:47:03.0
personal experience it did'nt work for me. but yes i would say it depends on 2 people maturity and levels of understanding. u need to be mature enough to handle this cause it's equivalent to staying together like a married couple.

bikram, Delhi, 2011-02-05 02:01:01.0
If we can see closely to animals then we can differenciate ourselves by having intimacy with one partner rather than several. It happens only in animal case where they have different partners anywhere and elsewhere and have sexual relation. Those who belong to animal group would likely to do so. We human being have a sense. Those animal sense people is full of lust which shows their animal character. One animal don't control over their sense but one human being have had control over his sense. This is the only reason of divorce, suicide, lack of family association and a very weird, shameless character shown by us. It came from western now influence Asian i.e., India. We known for our culture everywhere. Shame to those indians who adopt pervert western culture and spoil Indian name and our future generation. Morally it is consider to be a sin. No doubt in coming generation sex is pervalent everywhere, but it is due to some good people this life going smoothly. Save it! Shame on you people who is slave of his own sense!

Kevin, USA, 2011-02-04 22:33:52.0
Open relationships do not work in the long run. I am grateful for the loving and committed relationship that I have had with my wife for the past 25 years (so far). Would not trade it for "openness".

anu, india, 2011-02-04 20:47:16.0
does not work in long run

aman, delhi, 2011-02-04 20:07:12.0
dont think so!baggage from such relationships would be too much when separation happens.

bharat, del, 2011-02-04 19:38:52.0
I dont think open relationship works for a longer time..its better to get apart and live alone/separate life rather than staying in such a relation.

SG, Pune, 2011-02-04 18:44:34.0
I guess its illusion that open relationship works. if it really long lasting with full commitment then what is prb with marriages built on trust and understanding. I am not talking abt marriages wherein boy and gal dont understand their needs and just get married or are forced to marry.

akash, noida, 2011-02-04 18:07:50.0
whithout close relationship no one can get happy life ,one can only have fun but not the meaningful life