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Self-control crucial in relationships?

You believe your partner is the best thing that could have happened to you. He/she is loving, caring and demonstrative, and perhaps, you couldn’t have asked for more. But wait for a fight to happen and then lo and behold! The floodgates of hell are ready to break loose. And you will hear the most vicious and caustic words ever. So, what do you do while the tirade is going on – do you keep quiet, holding hard on to your self-control? Or do your storm back? Do you call upon the same self-control in every relationship? We’d like to know from you – how vital is self-control in a relationship? How is it that you feel when you are being subjected to the worst possible things? When do you speak up, if at all?
yes (95%) 50 Votes
no (5%) 3 Votes
Gummaluri Venkata Sitarama Sastry, Unknown, 2014-08-31 16:14:27.0
Self control plays a vital role in maintaining relationships. Because when you lose self control you have problems.

[email protected], Khammam, 2014-08-04 00:44:21.0
Yes, One must be patient to solve the relationship problems.

jk, palakkad, 2010-11-28 19:58:36.0
self control can save relationships.

Jaison Samuel, Coimbatore, 2010-11-28 19:52:11.0
yes....it is better to control ourselves most of the the times just to preserve our precious relationships we have.... it is sometimes better to be calm to our partner when she/he burst out and also it is always better to speak out frankly about what we are expecting and make them understand.... silence alone would not help to build relationships... you should be able to make them understand also... But the most crucial thing is to make them understand for a better & healthy relationship.. Everyone should understand this fact & sure you will have a happy life in this earth....

Dr Sankalp Srivastava, Allahabad, 2010-05-21 14:57:35.0
Self control is better to prevent any long term damage to the relationship

mczonkwa, Nigeria, 2009-12-05 22:45:50.0
Self control is essential especially knowing a Woman has four difrent type of chemical composition each Month, and as the years come pass, these compositions varies and can send some of her resoning faculty berserk. Therfore, the need of tolerance

lony, UP, 2009-12-05 22:12:56.0

Chandan Joshi, Alllahabad, 2009-12-05 17:14:23.0
I have tried it the both way , but atleat i feel better whhen i empty myself out.How can a person handle bitterness from a person whom he loves

Prakash Krishnan, Tanzania, 2009-12-05 15:29:01.0
Self control is essential. The problem is how successfully one can practice this theory. In my experience, when we feel angry keep the anger to yourself. Just leave for sometime- for one night or one day. Still if you feel the same anger then you have to express it. But due to the fast life, we cannot wait for long time.

B N Srinath, Bangalore, 2009-12-05 15:07:49.0
Self control is essential for the survivial of the relationship

Mallesh, Mumbai, 2009-12-06 08:08:08.0
Yes, I believe self controlling yourself en being calm is a better option while something goes wrong between the partners, but doing the same in every situation, there is a chance of strengthening our weakness ourself,he/she may take advantage of this, think?...... "Every thing in this world has a certain limits".

Manisha Solanki, India, Pune, 2009-12-04 18:54:32.0
Sometimes Self control can subtle the fights but not always. One cannot control during every fight. If he/she does not back answer, frustration will accumulate and will back bounce and repurcussions may be worse.

arun thomas, texas, 2009-10-19 07:02:51.0
I find no reason to abandon my self esteem and ego for anybody,even if it is my next to kin.We should fight back with our claws and teeth.