7 Untold benefits of eating raw onion in summers

Including raw onions in your summer diet can offer hydration benefits, immune system support, and aid in blood sugar regulation. With its cooling effect and digestive aid properties, raw onions also provide skin care benefits and respiratory health benefits. Try incorporating raw onions into various dishes for a healthy boost.
7 Untold benefits of eating raw onion in summers
As the scorching weather takes a toll over health and well being, we look for solutions to keep the body calm and cool, as per popular beliefs onion can help in preventing heat strokes and can make for a good addition to the summer diet. Here is all you need to know about eating raw onions.
Why raw onions?
Raw onions are packed with essential nutrients including vitamin C, which boosts immunity and collagen production, aiding skin health; folate, important for cell division and DNA synthesis; potassium, crucial for nerve function and blood pressure regulation; and dietary fiber, promoting digestive health.
Additionally, onions contain antioxidants like quercetin, which may have anti-inflammatory and heart-protective effects, making them a valuable addition to a healthy diet. Here are seven untold benefits of including raw onion into your summer diet.
Hydration Booster
Raw onions have a high water content, which helps keep you hydrated during hot weather. They contribute to your daily fluid intake and assist in maintaining electrolyte balance, crucial for combating dehydration.
Natural Cooling Properties
Known for their cooling effect, raw onions can help lower body temperature when consumed. They stimulate perspiration, aiding in the body’s natural cooling process. This makes them a perfect addition to your summer salads or as a side dish.

Immune System Support
Raw onions are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and quercetin, which help strengthen the immune system. They protect cells from oxidative stress and may reduce the risk of infections, keeping you resilient during the summer season when immunity may be challenged.

Digestive Aid
The fiber content in raw onions promotes healthy digestion by supporting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. Additionally, onions contain enzymes that aid in the breakdown of fats, facilitating smoother digestion of heavier summer meals.
Respiratory Health Benefits
Quercetin and sulfur compounds found in raw onions have anti-inflammatory properties that may help alleviate respiratory conditions exacerbated by summer allergies or pollutants. They can potentially reduce congestion and improve breathing.
Skin Care Benefits
Raw onions contain sulfur compounds that promote collagen production and skin elasticity, keeping your skin supple and youthful. Applying raw onion juice topically may also help soothe sunburns and insect bites due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Blood Sugar Regulation
Despite their natural sweetness, raw onions have a low glycemic index and contain compounds that help regulate blood sugar levels. This makes them a suitable addition to meals for individuals managing diabetes or those seeking to stabilize energy levels throughout the day.
How to add raw onion into your diet?
To reap the benefits of raw onions during the summer, consider adding them to salads, wraps, sandwiches, or as a garnish for grilled meats and seafood. For those sensitive to the strong flavor, soaking raw onions in water for 10-15 minutes before consumption can mellow their taste.
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