Japanese habit to embrace​

The greatest people whom we can emulate for a healthier life are the Japanese. Following in their footsteps will help one see substantial improvements in your general appearance, overall health, and overall well-being in as little as 20 days. These Japanese techniques lead to a more contented and peaceful existence by improving mental clarity, emotional balance, and physical health. In just 20 days, these 6 Japanese practices can drastically improve your beauty and overall health:


​​Healthy diet with moderate serving sizes​

Why it works: Small, well-balanced meals with seasonal ingredients are the hallmark of Japanese cuisine. This method guarantees a range of nutrients and aids in maintaining a healthy weight.
How to put it into practice: Increase your intake of seafood, rice, veggies, and fermented foods like miso and pickles. Eat with awareness and slowly to savour your food and avoid overindulging.



​​Every day strolling​

Why it works: Walking is a low-impact, high-impact workout that strengthens the heart, burns calories, and enhances mental wellness.
How to put it into practice: Walk for at least half an hour every day. By using the stairs, going for walks during breaks, or taking a stroll after supper, you can incorporate walking into your daily routine.


​​Putting Ikigai into practice​

The Reason It Works Ikigai, which translates to "reason for being," is the search for meaning and happiness in life. This idea encourages longevity and mental health.
How to Put It Into Practice: Determine the things that make you happy and fulfilled. Set aside time every day to follow your passions, whether they include a meaningful job, a pastime, or quality time with loved ones.


​​Frequent tea consumption​

Why it works: Tea consumption, especially green tea, offers several health advantages, such as enhanced metabolism and a lower chance of developing chronic illnesses. Tea is also high in antioxidants.
How to put it into practice: Swap sugar-filled drinks with green tea. Try to have two to three cups of green tea every day, enjoying the process of making and drinking it.


​​Stretching and exercising every day​

Why it works: Exercise, such as yoga and stretching, increases flexibility, lowers stress levels, and boosts general health.
How to put it into practice: Include a daily yoga or light stretching program. Stretch your muscles and do deep breathing exercises for at least 15 to 20 minutes per day.


​​Minimalism and mindful living​

Why it works: Mindfulness and simplicity are highly valued in Japanese culture, as they help lower stress and foster a more peaceful home atmosphere.
How to put it into practice: By concentrating on one job at a time and being in the present, you can practise mindfulness. Declutter your home and only keep things that you love and have a need for. This is how you may embrace minimalism.
