01/10​Do you know about the foods that one must not consume with curd?​

Curd is an integral part of the Indian household. Be it with biryani or paratha or simple dal chawal, we enjoy having a bowl of curd with some cumin powder sprinkled over it. Health experts also suggest having curd daily in order to keep the gut health in check. Eating curd (yogurt) is a common practice in many cultures worldwide, valued for its taste, nutritional benefits, and probiotic properties that support gut health.

However, there are certain food combinations that Ayurveda and some other dietary traditions suggest avoiding when consuming curd. Here are six types of foods that are generally recommended to be avoided or consumed separately from curd:


02/10​Never consume curd with sour fruits​

​Never consume curd with sour fruits​

Curd should ideally not be combined with fruits, especially sour fruits like citrus fruits (e.g., oranges, lemons, grapefruits) and tropical fruits (e.g., pineapple, kiwi). The reason behind this recommendation lies in the digestive properties of curd and fruits. Curd is considered heavy and sour in nature, while fruits are typically acidic or sweet.

According to Ayurveda, curd and fruits have conflicting qualities in terms of taste and digestion. Mixing them can potentially disturb the digestive fire (agni) and lead to digestive issues like bloating, gas, and indigestion. Combining curd with fruits can interfere with the digestion of both, especially if consumed together in large quantities. The different digestive enzymes required for fruits (amylase for carbohydrates) and curd (proteases for proteins) can create a challenging environment for efficient digestion.


03/10​Avoid curd with grains​

​Avoid curd with grains​

Combining curd with cereal grains, especially refined grains like white rice or bread, is generally discouraged. This is because curd is rich in protein and can potentially hinder the digestion of carbohydrates found in grains.

Ayurveda suggests that combining curd with grains can create an imbalance in digestion due to conflicting properties. Curd is heavy and cooling, while grains are often heavy and heating in nature. This mismatch can lead to digestive discomfort and sluggish digestion. Nutritionally, curd and grains can be a heavy combination, potentially causing bloating or discomfort in some individuals. The combination might not necessarily harm digestion for everyone, but Ayurveda recommends avoiding it for those who experience digestive sensitivity.


04/10​If you are having curd with hot and spicy foods, then stop​

​If you are having curd with hot and spicy foods, then stop​

Consuming curd with very spicy or hot foods, such as chili peppers or heavily spiced dishes, is not advisable. Spicy foods can increase heat in the body, while curd has a cooling effect. This stark contrast in temperature and properties can disrupt digestive processes.

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Ayurveda emphasizes the balance of cooling and heating properties in foods. Mixing curd with extremely spicy or hot foods can potentially extinguish the digestive fire (agni) or lead to digestive discomfort due to the conflicting nature of these foods. Spicy foods stimulate gastric juices and increase acidity, while curd's cooling nature might neutralize some of these effects. However, for individuals prone to acidity or sensitive digestion, combining curd with very spicy foods can exacerbate symptoms.


05/10​Curd with pickle is a bad combination​

​Curd with pickle is a bad combination​

Curd itself is a fermented food and combining it with other fermented foods, such as pickles, fermented vegetables, or sourdough bread, is generally discouraged. Both curd and other fermented foods contain active cultures that can potentially overwhelm the digestive system.

Ayurveda advises against combining two fermented foods together as it may lead to an imbalance in gut flora and digestive disturbances. It can also affect the assimilation of nutrients from these foods. From a modern nutritional standpoint, consuming multiple fermented foods simultaneously can introduce a high concentration of probiotics and potentially disrupt the balance of gut bacteria in sensitive individuals. It's generally recommended to space out consumption of fermented foods throughout the day.


06/10Eating curd and fish together is not recommended

Eating curd and fish together is not recommended

In certain dietary traditions, particularly Ayurveda, combining curd with fish or seafood is not recommended. Fish is considered heavy to digest, and when combined with curd, which is also heavy and cooling, it can create an imbalance in digestion.

Ayurveda categorizes foods based on their qualities (guna) and effects on the body. Fish and curd are both heavy and have different qualities that can lead to digestive discomfort when consumed together. Nutritionally, combining curd with fish might not necessarily lead to digestive issues for everyone. However, individuals with sensitive digestion or those prone to digestive disturbances may experience discomfort due to the heavy nature of these foods.


07/10Do not eat curd with egg

Do not eat curd with egg

Combining curd with eggs, whether in cooked dishes or as part of a meal, is generally not recommended. Both foods are rich in protein and can be heavy to digest, especially when consumed together.

Ayurveda advises against combining two heavy protein-rich foods as it can overload the digestive system and lead to sluggish digestion or digestive discomfort. Protein-rich meals can be beneficial, but combining curd with eggs might be heavy for some individuals to digest, potentially causing bloating or discomfort. It's often recommended to balance protein intake throughout meals to support optimal digestion.


08/10Decoding nutrient content of curd

Decoding nutrient content of curd

Curd, also known as yogurt, is rich in essential nutrients beneficial for overall health. It is a good source of protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B12. Protein in curd supports muscle health and repair, while calcium and phosphorus strengthen bones and teeth. Vitamin B12 contributes to energy production and nervous system function. Curd also contains probiotics, beneficial bacteria that support gut health and digestion. It is relatively low in calories and can be a valuable addition to a balanced diet, providing nutrients that promote both physical health and well-being.


09/10Why is curd healthy?

Why is curd healthy?

Curd, also known as yogurt, is considered healthy for several reasons. It is rich in probiotics, which promote gut health by maintaining a balanced intestinal flora. These probiotics aid digestion and can enhance immune function. Curd is also a good source of calcium, essential for bone health and muscle function. It provides protein, important for cell repair and growth. Its nutrients are easily absorbed and can contribute to overall well-being. Regular consumption of curd has been associated with various health benefits, including improved digestion, stronger immunity, and better nutrient absorption, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.


10/10What can you eat with curd?

What can you eat with curd?

Curd, or yogurt, pairs well with a variety of foods, enhancing both taste and nutritional value. Adding granola or nuts provides a crunchy texture and boosts protein content. Savory options include mixing curd with herbs like mint or cilantro as a dip for vegetables. Add curd into smoothies or lassi (yogurt-based drinks) offers a delicious and healthy beverage option.
