6 ways to effectively protect your energy

Protect your energy by managing digital consumption and setting screen time limits. Imagine having the strength to manage our day with ease, feel more in control, and end each day with a sense of accomplishment and peace. Here are some practical and effective ways to safeguard our energy from the stresses and negative influences that can sap our strength.
6 ways to effectively protect your energy

People can easily feel overwhelmed and drained. Whether it's the demands of work, the pull of social commitments, or the emotional rollercoaster of personal relationships, life can sometimes feel like a constant battle against exhaustion. But here’s the good news: we can protect our energy and reclaim our vitality. Imagine having the strength to manage our day with ease, feel more in control, and end each day with a sense of accomplishment and peace.
Here are some practical and effective ways to safeguard our energy from the stresses and negative influences that can sap our strength.

The bliss of learning to say ‘NO’

One of the most effective ways to protect our energy is by setting boundaries. According to research by the American Psychological Association, learning to say no is essential for maintaining our mental health. We don't have to attend every event or accept every invitation. Prioritise activities that are truly important and let go of those that are draining. Saying no to unnecessary commitments can significantly reduce stress and free up energy for things that matter most. Practice politely declining invitations or requests that don't align with your priorities. You might say, “I appreciate the offer, but I need to focus on my current projects.”

Keep your distance from negative people

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Surrounding ourselves with positive influences is crucial to maintaining our energy levels. A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that constant exposure to negativity can significantly impact our mental and emotional health. Negative individuals often give out an energy that can be contagious and draining. Instead, create relationships with people who uplift and support you. Identify and limit interactions with individuals who consistently bring negativity into your life. Spend more time with friends and family members who encourage and energise you.

Oh! It's so good to meditate

Meditation is a powerful tool for protecting our energy. Research from Harvard Medical School indicates that regular mindfulness practice can reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Mindful breathing helps us stay present and calm, allowing us to handle stress more effectively and conserve our energy. Set aside a few minutes each day for meditation. Focus on your breath, observe your thoughts without judgment, and let go of any tension.
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Create a positive environment that calms you

Our surroundings can significantly affect our energy levels. According to a study by the Environmental Health Perspectives journal, a cluttered and chaotic environment can increase stress and drain our energy. Creating a space that promotes calmness and positivity can help us maintain high energy levels. Declutter your living and working spaces. Add elements like plants, natural light, and soothing colours to create a more serene environment. Consider playing relaxing music or white noise or diffusers to maintain a peaceful ambience.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself

Self-care is important for protecting our energy. The National Institute of Mental Health highlights the importance of adequate rest and self-care in maintaining mental health and energy levels. Taking time for activities that you enjoy and that rejuvenate you is essential. This includes regular exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep.

Take a break from your phone

Our devices can be a significant source of energy drain. A study from the University of Gothenburg found that excessive use of digital devices can lead to increased stress and fatigue. It’s important to manage your digital consumption to protect your energy. Set limits on your screen time, particularly on social media and news sites. Establish "digital detox" periods, especially before bed, to allow your mind to rest.
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TOI Lifestyle Desk

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