Jul 1, 2024

​8 indoor plants to keep excess humidity away from your home

Aakanksha Sharma

Natural dehumidifiers

With monsoons arriving and the rains making everything feel damp and sticky, people start investing in high-end dehumidifiers. But, what if some plants could do just that job? Here are some indoor plants that can absorb the humidity.


​Boston fern

Boston ferns are great at absorbing moisture through their leaves, making them natural dehumidifiers. And that is why people usually keep them in bathrooms and kitchens.


Spider plant

Spider plants are extremely easy to care for and are also great at absorbing moisture from the air. Not just that, they can also help purify indoor air, making the surroundings much cooler.


Peace lily

​Peace lilies are not just beautiful but also helpful in reducing humidity levels. Peace lilies absorb the dampness in the air through their leaves, leaving the room fresh.


English ivy

​English ivy is a beautiful plant that can be grown in both pots or as hanging plants. This one too absorbs moisture from the air making it excellent for the monsoon.



Tillandsias are air plants, i.e., they do not need soil to grow. These plants are great at absorbing nutrients from the air, and can also absorb the humidity present inside the house.


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​Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the most famous and low-maintenance succulents. It has thick, fleshy leaves that store water, which helps reduce humidity levels indoors.


​Snake Plant

Snake plants too absorb moisture and help purify the indoor air.



One of the very few flowering plants that can absorb moisture well is the Orchids. They are soft, and beautiful, and the leaves are excellent at reducing indoor humidity.


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Next: 10 best flowers to grow in hanging pots