Jun 30, 2024

​10 yoga asanas that can improve your sexual health

Shifa Khan

​​Want to improve your sex life? Do these 10 yoga asanas​

In today’s modern life, young couples complain about their sexual health or lack thereof due to limited time together. Then what is the solution? One of the ways that doctors ask you to focus on is mind and body balance; yoga asanas can help with that. Here are 10 yoga asanas that will help improve your sex life.


​​Vajrasana or the diamond pose​

According to Dr. Chirag Bhandari, Founder of Institute of Andrology and Sexual Health (IASH), “This yoga pose has you sitting down with your legs tucked under the thighs and hands relaxed on your thighs. It tightens your thighs and pelvis and increases blood flow to your private parts, resulting in increased libido.”


​​Paschimottasana or the forward-bending pose​

Done by sitting with your legs stretched in front of you, lifting your hands above your head, and bending forward to touch your toes with the head touching the knees. Make sure you do not bend your legs at the knees. This tightens abdomen muscles and helps you relax. This pose helps in improving posture and, indirectly, helps enhance sexual prowess.


​Dandayamana-Dhanurasana or the standing bow pose​​

You balance on one leg, with one arm extended while the other is stretched backward to hold the other leg raised in the air like a bow. This position not only improves your cardiovascular system but also helps increase and improve sexual performance.


​Gomukhasana or the cow face pose​Gomukhasana or the cow face pose​​

Sit down and cross your legs in the opposite direction, with one hand raised above towards the back, and hold the other from below. This asana improves the flexibility to try different and more adventurous sexual positions.


​​Bhujangasana or cobra pose​

While positioning your body to lie on the stomach and raise the upper body by anchoring your arms on the floor, you raise your head and bend it backward to make it look like your body is a cobra with its hood raised. This position improves blood circulation to the pelvic area and repairs nerves there to enhance your sex life.


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​​Veerasana or the hero pose​

In this pose, you sit with one leg tucked under and the other folded in front. The arm on the side of the tucked leg is in front, the other rests on the folded leg, and the hand is placed on the chin. This pose alleviates anxiety and improves mood to help improve your sex life.


​​Ardha matsyendrasana or the half lord of the fishes pose​

Sit down and tuck your leg under the butt while folding the other leg across the other side. The arm on the other side touches the toe of the folded forward leg, and the other arm is placed on the back with the hand down. The torso is turned to this side, and the head looks backward. This asana strengthens the spine, improves digestion, reduces stress, and detoxifies the body to enhance sexual performance.


​​Viparita karani or the restful inversion pose​

On your back, you lift your legs and raise them off the ground. Then, lift the lower back with your arms supporting the hip areas. It creates a sense of balance and improves your arm and lower body strength, which comes in handy during sexual intercourse.


​​Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand pose​

This is an extension of the earlier asana, where only your shoulders are on the ground. While you may use your arms to support your raised legs and hips, later on, when you master the pose, you can stretch them on the ground. It energizes your body and helps you get into the pleasure mindset required for sex.


​​Halasana or locust pose​

Once again, an extension of the earlier poses, you lift your legs off the ground and place them beyond your head for your toes to touch the ground. This also improves blood circulation and strengthens the back and pelvic area to enhance sex life.


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