​Foundational house rules to raise happy and healthy kids​

Raising children involves more than just providing for their basic needs; it also entails nurturing their character, values, and social skills. Establishing clear and consistent house rules is essential for creating a structured environment where children can learn and thrive. Here are seven foundational house rules that can contribute to raising good kids:


​Big or small, younger or elder, no matter what, respect all​

Respect and kindness are foundational principles that shape how children interact with others and themselves. Teach your children to treat everyone with respect, including family members, peers, and adults. This encompasses using polite language (such as "please" and "thank you"), listening actively when others speak, and showing empathy towards others' feelings and experiences.

Model respectful behavior in your interactions with others. Praise and reinforce acts of kindness and empathy. Use gentle correction and explanation when disrespectful behavior occurs. Encourage siblings to resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully.



​Take a pride making contributions to household chores​

Responsibility teaches children accountability and the importance of contributing to the family and community. Assign age-appropriate chores and tasks to your children to help them develop a sense of ownership and pride in their contributions. Responsibilities can range from simple tasks like making their bed to more complex duties like helping with meal preparation or caring for pets.

Clearly communicate expectations for chores and tasks. Provide guidance and support as children learn new responsibilities. Acknowledge and praise effort and completion of tasks. Rotate chores to give children exposure to different responsibilities.

​Every bit of food should be eaten with a smile on the face, never complain about food​

Establishing rules around health and well-being helps children develop lifelong habits that promote physical and mental well-being. This includes rules around nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and sleep. Encourage balanced meals, regular physical activity, proper handwashing, dental care, and consistent bedtime routines.

Involve children in meal planning and preparation. Provide healthy snack options and limit sugary treats. Set aside time for outdoor play and physical activities. Maintain consistent bedtime routines to ensure adequate sleep.


​Family members do not keep secrets from each other, open communication is the key to happy family​

Creating an environment where children feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns fosters trust and strengthens relationships. Encourage open communication by actively listening to your children without judgment, showing empathy, and validating their emotions. This helps children develop confidence in expressing themselves and seeking support when needed.

Schedule regular family meetings to discuss any issues or concerns. Use age-appropriate language and explanations to facilitate understanding. Respect children's privacy and boundaries when discussing sensitive topics. Model effective communication skills in your interactions with others.


​If someone says stop, then stop; boundary is the key to a harmonious family​

Setting clear and consistent boundaries helps children understand expectations for behavior and promotes self-discipline. Establish rules regarding acceptable behavior, screen time limits, use of technology, and safety guidelines. Consistently enforce consequences when rules are broken, focusing on teaching and learning rather than punishment.

Discuss and explain rules and consequences in advance. Be consistent in applying consequences for both positive and negative behavior. Encourage children to take responsibility for their actions and choices. Adjust rules and boundaries as children mature and demonstrate responsibility.

WHO defines physical inactivity, says this much exercise weekly can guarantee good health


Demonstrate good behaviour

Parents can be good role models by demonstrating positive behaviors and values. This includes treating others with kindness and respect, showing empathy and understanding, and practicing honesty and integrity in their actions. They should model healthy habits such as exercise, balanced nutrition, and managing stress effectively. By prioritizing communication, actively listening, and resolving conflicts peacefully, parents teach valuable interpersonal skills. Demonstrating resilience in the face of challenges and embracing lifelong learning also sets a strong example. Ultimately, being consistent in their behavior and demonstrating the values they wish to instill in their children is key to being a good role model.



Tips to improve parent child relationship

Improving the parent-child relationship involves active listening, empathy, and spending quality time together. Communicate openly and respectfully, fostering trust and understanding. Show interest in their interests and engage in activities they enjoy. Establish clear boundaries with consistent discipline, emphasizing positive reinforcement. Create a nurturing environment where the child feels safe expressing themselves without fear of judgment. Validate their feelings and perspectives, encouraging autonomy and decision-making skills. Regularly check in with them about their well-being and concerns. By prioritizing connection, mutual respect, and support, parents can strengthen their bond with their children and promote healthy development.


The art of remaining calm before kids

Controlling anger before kids involves mindfulness and proactive strategies. Practice deep breathing or counting to ten to calm down. Take a break if needed, stepping away from the situation to gather thoughts. Communicate feelings calmly and use "I" statements to express frustrations constructively. Identify triggers and develop coping mechanisms like exercise or hobbies. Seek support from a partner or counselor to manage emotions effectively. Modeling healthy responses to anger teaches children valuable skills in emotional regulation. By prioritizing self-awareness and proactive management, parents create a nurturing environment where anger is managed positively and constructively.