Jul 6, 2024

​8 habits that can make kids stubborn

Aadya Jha

​How do kids become stubborn

Raising children is no small feat and every parent dreams of nurturing well-rounded individuals. Certain everyday habits, often unintentional, can create stubbornness in kids. Here are 8 common habits that can make kids more stubborn.


​Lack of discipline

When parents are inconsistent with rules and consequences, children may become stubborn as a way to test boundaries. Inconsistency sends mixed signals, making it difficult for kids to understand what is expected of them.



Showering kids with excessive material possessions and constantly giving in to their demands can make them stubborn. Overindulgence teaches children to expect their wishes to be fulfilled immediately, leading to resistance when they don’t get their way.


​Lack of routine

A lack of a structured routine can lead to stubborn behaviour in children. When kids do not have a predictable daily schedule, they may feel insecure and resist change or new instructions.


​Authoritarian parenting

An overly strict or authoritarian parenting style can contribute to stubbornness. Children raised in highly controlled environments may rebel against the constant rigidity by becoming more defiant.


Lack of autonomy

When children are not given opportunities to make choices or decisions, they may become stubborn as a means of asserting control. Allowing kids to have a say in age-appropriate decisions helps them feel valued and less likely to resist authority.


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​Inconsistent attention

Children may exhibit stubbornness to gain attention, especially if they experience inconsistent engagement from their parents. When attention is only given sporadically or in response to negative behaviour, kids may act out more to ensure they are noticed.



Overprotective parenting can lead to stubbornness by limiting a child’s ability to explore and learn from their experiences. When kids are not allowed to deal with challenges on their own, they may become resistant to new ideas and cling to familiar behaviours.


Negative reinforcement

Unintentionally rewarding stubborn behaviour can reinforce it. For instance, if a child throws a tantrum to avoid bedtime and the parent gives in, the kid learns that stubbornness is an effective way to get what they want.


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