Jun 23, 2024

​9 things that destroy a child's confidence

Aadya Jha

​How do kids lose confidence?

Confidence is an important component of a child's development, impacting their ability to deal with life's ups and downs. Certain actions and behaviours can chip away a child's self-esteem. Here are 9 things that can destroy a child's confidence.


​Criticism: where it is not necessary

When a child is repeatedly told that their efforts are not good enough, they begin to doubt their abilities and shy away from new challenges. Instead of focusing on what they did wrong, give them constructive feedback that encourages improvement and highlights their strengths.


​Overprotective parents

It’s natural for parents to want to shield their children from harm, being overly protective can stifle a child's confidence. When children are not allowed to explore and take risks, they may develop a fear of the unknown and lack the confidence to handle new situations.


​Expecting high

High expectations can motivate children to achieve, but setting the bar too high can have the opposite effect. When children feel that they can never meet their parents’ expectations, they may give up trying altogether, believing they are doomed to fail.


​Comparison is the devil

Comparing a child to their siblings, classmates, or even to other children in general, can severely damage their confidence. It builds feelings of inadequacy and envy, making children believe they will never measure up.


​Praise is much-needed

When their efforts go unrecognized, they may start to believe they are not valued or capable. Regularly acknowledging and praising the child's efforts, no matter how small, reinforces their self-worth and motivates them to keep striving.


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​Pampering can be dangerous

While it’s important to provide love and support, excessive pampering can undermine a child's confidence. When children are overly indulged, they may become dependent on others and struggle to handle challenges on their own.


​Emotional! What is that?

Children need to feel understood and supported emotionally. When their feelings are dismissed or ignored, they may feel invalidated and insecure. Listening to a child's concerns and validating their emotions helps build a strong sense of self-worth.


​Mistakes always ask for punishment

Mistakes are a natural part of learning, but harsh punishment can create a fear of failure that stifles confidence. Instead of punishing mistakes, use them as learning opportunities.


Too many boundaries and rules

Children need clear, consistent boundaries to feel secure and understand what is expected of them. When rules are inconsistent or unpredictable, it can lead to confusion and insecurity.


Thanks For Reading!

Next: 8 things that affect child's brain