Jun 29, 2024

How to handle toddler tantrums

Aparupa Devnath

Handling toddler tantrums

Handling toddler tantrums can be challenging, but with patience and the right strategies, you can manage them effectively. Here are some tips:


Stay Calm

Your calmness can help de-escalate the situation. Take deep breaths and remain patient.


Acknowledge Their Feelings

Recognize and verbalize their emotions. "I see you're upset because you wanted that toy."


Distract and Redirect

Offer a different toy or start a new activity to divert their attention from the source of frustration.


Set Clear Boundaries

Maintain consistent rules and explain them in simple terms. "We don't hit because it hurts."


Limited Options

Provide limited choices to give them a sense of control. "Do you want to wear the red shirt or the blue one?"


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Praise Good Behavior

Reinforce positive actions with praise and rewards. "Great job sharing your toys!"


Understand Triggers

Notice and address common triggers for tantrums. Try to avoid or mitigate these situations.


Create a Safe Environment

Ensure your home is safe and create a calming space where they can go to relax.


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