​Here's what boys should start learning from a young age

<p>A washing powder commercial won world-wide recognition for trying to break gender stereotype. The advertisement showed a girl juggling office work and household chores without any help from her husband. As she struggles with a bucket of unwashed clothes, her father introspects about not setting a good example while she grew up because he had never helped his wife with any household chores. This brings us to the important topic of gender stereotyping and how children are differentiated based on their gender even when it comes to basic things like cooking and cleaning. Here are a few things that we should encourage every boy to learn:<br></p>


<p>Like girls, all boys should be taught to differentiate between a ‘good touch’ and ‘bad touch’ and they should learn to speak up if they become victims of sexual abuse. Many people have this misconception that only girls become victim of sexual harassment, but the same can happen to a boy/man as well. It is equally important for him to speak up and he can do that only when he is taught from a young age about the consequences of sexual abuse. <br></p>




A girl grows up listening to her parents or family members about the way she should sit, talk or dress up. She learns to mind her manners when required, she knows where not to raise her voice or talk loudly. But a boy should also be taught the right etiquettes. Raising his voice, contrary to what he grows up believing, for the smallest of things is not good. He should be aware of good etiquettes, which will make him a better human being.



<p>Boy don’t cry—it’s a myth. It’s ok to cry or to express your emotions. It doesn’t make you less manly. Boys bottle up their emotions because he is made to believe that emotions are only meant for girls.<br></p>


<p>A girl is expected to take consent for every small things, for example, if she happens to attend a late night party, she needs to take consent of her parents well in advance. But a boy is not required to do any such thing. He will grow up believing that seeking consent is not a man’s job, which is wrong. A boy should be taught the importance of seeking consent from a very young age.<br></p>


<p>Cleaning is no rocket science and a person do not need specialised skills for this. While girls never need any prodding, we should encourage boys to help their mothers when she cleans the house. Even if one has a helper to do such work, boys should never hesitate to pick up a broom when needed.<br></p>


<p>Food is a basic need, and everyone gets hungry, irrespective of one’s gender! So, there is no harm in learning how to cook. In fact, parents should encourage boys to work in the kitchen from a young age, just like they teach their daughters the fine art of cooking.<br></p>




<p>Girls are taught to take care of how they look and they learn what to wear and what not to wear from a very young age. When it comes of grooming or dressing up, a boy grows up believing that grooming and dressing up is only for girls. Years later, when they realizes the importance of a well-dressed man, it’s either too late or they are too old to start a new habit!<br></p>


<p>When it comes to sewing, stitching or mending a button, most of the boys will be at their wit’s end. Imagine, you have an important meeting with your client and a button is missing from your lucky shirt, what will you do? Dialing your mother’s number won’t be of any help. There is nothing wrong in picking up a needle. In fact, it will make you more self-sufficient and sewing is a skill which knows no genders.<br></p>


<p>Remember, this world would be a better place if every man learns to respect women, and by women we mean not just his mother or sisters. Like a boy is taught to respect and protect his mother and sister, he should also be encouraged to extend the same courtesy to other women.<br></p><p>(Images: Shutterstock)</p>