01/8Sanskrit shlokas to try

Affirmations have forever been used as a tool for improvement. To affirm something, is to train your subconscious mind into believing that something you wish for is going to come true. And with the plethora of English affirmations available all over, from ‘I am healthy, I am wealthy’ to ‘I attract what I wish for’, it is only logical to have some sanskrit versions of affirmations too.

Here we list 6 Sanskrit shlokas that are also excellent affirmations.


02/8​Yat Bhaavo Tat Bhavati

​Yat Bhaavo Tat Bhavati

This sanskrit quote translates to ‘What you think, is what will happen’.
This shloka talks about the power of our thoughts and emotions in shaping what happens in real life. If we think about positive things and set positive intentions, positive results will naturally follow. This is almost like the ‘Law of attraction’, that saus that the energy we give out, is the same energy that comes back to us from the Universe.
By repeating this affirmation, we train our mind to focus on positive results, better situations, and more happiness.


03/8​Aham Asmi Sampoornam

​Aham Asmi Sampoornam

This quote translates to ‘I am complete and whole.’
This is a very powerful affirmation and a reminder that we are complete in ourselves. Often, people chase other people, other opportunities, other results, and so much more, and they forget that how they are right now, is also a complete form of themselves.
In a world that is always willing to point out what others lack, or what is incomplete in them, this affirmation is like a sigh of relief that makes us believe that we are whole in ourselves.


04/8Aham Brahmasmi

Aham Brahmasmi

A phrase that was made familiar by a web series is ‘Aham Brahmasmi’. It translates to ‘I am Brahman or I am the universal consciousness.’
It is a phrase from the Upanishads and talks about the pure, powerful, and true nature of man. It affirms that we are one with universal consciousness and not limited to a single trait or personality. An affirmation like this helps people rise above their ego and connect with a deeper, more broad sense of self. It helps us understand that we are part of a larger, interconnected reality.


05/8​Antaha Asti Prarambh

​Antaha Asti Prarambh

This phrase translates to ‘The end is the beginning’. This shloka is perfect for people who might have had a recent failure in life, or are feeling dejected because of something. And so, in times like these, this shloka explains that every ending is the start to a new beginning. Life is a continuous cycle, and what seems like the end of something, it could actually be the start of something new and better.


06/8Na Kadapi Khanditah

Na Kadapi Khanditah

This sanskrit affirmation translates to ‘One who can never be destroyed’. This powerful affirmation speaks about the power of the human spirit. It reassures us that, despite challenges and setbacks, our true essence remains unbroken and intact.
By repeating this affirmation, people reinforce their inner strength and ability to overcome obstacles. It is a reminder that no matter what life throws at you, you are powerful, resilient, and obstacles cannot destroy your spirit or you.


07/8​Anugacchati Pravah

​Anugacchati Pravah

A phrase that practically asks you to ‘chill out’ is this one. Anugacchati Pravah translates to ‘Go with the flow’. In life, we never know what problem or what kind of success we might get next. Life can throw ‘n’ number of possibilities and problems at us, and so, it is best to just go with the flow. This shloka advises people to align themselves with the natural flow of life rather than resist it.


08/8Ishwar Asti Mam Shakti

Ishwar Asti Mam Shakti

A heartfelt affirmation that is also very true during the hardest times is this one. It means 'God is my power and strength’. Between all the obstacles, hurdles, crying, laughing, or whatever life throws at you, this affirmation feels like a hug from God himself. It is as if they are assuring us that no matter what happens, we will always be your source of strength.
