Jun 12, 2024

10 animals with unique parenting behaviours

Sonal Khandelwal

Unique Parenting

​The animal kingdom is a rich tapestry of extraordinary parenting techniques. From fierce protectors to nurturing caregivers, these creatures exhibit a diverse range of behaviours, each unique in its approach to ensuring the survival of their offspring.​



Female alligators are attentive mothers. They guard their nests and carry hatchlings to water in their mouths. They protect the young for over a year and teach them survival skills.



​Cichlid fish display exceptional parental care. Both parents guard their eggs and fry, often carrying them in their mouths to protect them from predators until they are old enough.​



​Dolphin mothers and calves share a strong bond. They swim close together for protection, and mothers teach their young hunting techniques and social skills necessary for survival.​



​Elephant mothers, with their unwavering dedication, nurture their calves for years. They form tight-knit matriarchal herds, ensuring safety and guidance, with other females often lending a helping trunk in raising the young.​


Emperor Penguins

​Male emperor penguins face a daunting task as they incubate eggs on their feet for two months in freezing temperatures. They endure harsh conditions, fasting while keeping the eggs warm until the females return, a testament to their unwavering dedication.​


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​Lionesses in a pride work cooperatively, with all the females helping to care for each other’s cubs. This communal approach not only ensures better protection but also leads to higher survival rates for the young, a testament to the effectiveness of their unique parenting strategy.​



​Orangutan mothers are solitary but highly devoted, carrying their infants for the first two years and nursing them for up to eight years, teaching crucial survival skills.​


Poison Dart Frogs

​Male poison dart frogs transport their tadpoles on their backs to water-filled bromeliads. They frequently check on them, ensuring their safety and sometimes feeding them unfertilised eggs.​


Red Fox

​Red fox parents take turns hunting and guarding their den. The vixen stays with the kits while the male brings food, later teaching the kits essential hunting skills.​


Sea Otters

​With their nurturing nature, sea otter mothers wrap their pups in kelp to keep them from drifting away while they forage. They constantly groom and teach their young essential survival skills, providing a warm and safe environment.​


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