Nov 30, 2023

10 birds that visit India during December


Migratory birds

From Siberian Cranes to Greater Flamingoes, beautiful birds migrate to India every year during winter for food, breeding and nesting. Meet the fascinating winter migratory birds.


Black-tailed Godwit

The black-tailed godwits spend their summers in Iceland or Russia. However, winters are not too kind to these delicate birds up in the north, so they migrate down south, landing in the lowland grasslands in North India. They can generally be found in inland pools, lakes and marshes and spend a good four to five months in the country.


Siberian Crane

The Siberian crane is an endangered member of the crane family. While they nest in western Siberia throughout the year, they undergo about a 4,000-mile journey to India every winter. The cranes can be spotted mainly at the Keoladeo Ghana National Park in Rajasthan during the winter season.


Blue-tailed Bee-Eater

The blue-tailed bee-eater is a tiny bird in the bee-eater family Meropidae. The migratory bird is seen seasonally in much of peninsular India and travels to the country for breeding purposes. The bee-eater's favourite food is the Indian dragonfly.



These migratory birds can be spotted in India during the winter season in Rajasthan. The beautiful bird resembles a sparrow. But as the name suggests is distinguished by the blue feathers below its neck.



The brown duck is a common winter visitor in India, travelling many a mile from its home in Europe and North America. The bird can be spotted in north and central India, most commonly in Bhopal.


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Greater Flamingo

The beautiful greater flamingo is the largest of all species in the flamingo family and is mostly found during the winter season in the Indian subcontinent. They can be spotted in parts of Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary, Flamingo City and the Thol Bird Sanctuary of Gujarat.


Northern Shoveler

A huge population of these birds spends its winters in the Indian subcontinent, making a journey over the Himalayas, often taking a break in wetlands just south of the Himalayas before continuing further.


Rosy Pelican

The rosy pelican migrates to the north of India, settling down in freshwater lakes with plenty of fish. Even though a majority of these birds settle down in Pakistan, some of them visit India, while some go as far and as high as Nepal.



The ruff belongs to the Arctic Tundra region. However, the winters pose a huge problem for them, which is when they migrate to India, where they find food in abundance for the growth of their young ones. Once the breeding season comes around again they move back to Tundra.


Spotted Redshank

The spotted redshank migrates to India after the monsoon season and can often be spotted in the marshy landscapes of Haryana. They depart at the onset of summer in early April.


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