Jun 21, 2024

​10 most unique abilities in animals that prove they are true wonders of nature

Aakanksha Sharma

Animal wonders

Just like humans, animals too have evolved over time. Be it the ability to push out their organs as defence, to the amazing speed they have during hunting, there is something unique to them all.


​ Deers

Deers have a unique ability in them that maintains their regal look in the forests. Male deers (bucks) grow and shed their antlers annually and these antlers are the fastest-growing bone tissue known.


Sea cucumber

In one of the weirdest forms of self-defence, Sea cucumbers can expel their internal organs to scare away their predators or make them look dead and then regenerate those organs later.



Geckos have extremely sticky toe pads that help them climb over smooth surfaces and hold on to it so that they don't fall from heights. Plus, Geckos can detach their tails from their body to run from predators and then regrow it.


​Mantis shrimp

Mantis shrimp have one of the most exceptional eyesight among all animals in water or land. Mantis shrimps can perceive polarised light and more colours than humans can.


Honey badger

Honey badgers are one of the most fearless animals in the wild. They are ferocious, aggressive, and willingly take on fights with animals much bigger than them.


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Octopuses have one of the best camouflaging abilities when it comes to marine animals. In fact, some octopus species can even change their colour and shape to blend with their surroundings.


Electric eel

Electric eels can generate electric shocks of up to 600 volts to stun prey or deter predators. This defence mechanism helps them immensely and makes for one of the most unique abilities that animals have.



Another fascinating marine and land animal, the Axolotl has the unique ability to regrow its limbs, tail, and even parts of its brain and heart throughout its life.


Peregrine falcon

The Peregrine falcon is one of the fastest animals on Earth especially when it hunts. During its hunting dive, the falcon can reach an extreme speed of over 320 km/hour.


Mimic octopus

As evident by the name, the mimic octopus can imitate the appearance and movements of other animals like fish, sea snakes, and jellyfish to camouflage in their surroundings or attract smaller animals who they make their prey.


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