Jun 30, 2024

9 animals that grieve and cry just like humans

Aakanksha Sharma

Grief and sadness

Emotions are not limited to humans. Be it happiness, excitement, or grief and sadness, animals too experience a plethora of emotions. Here we list nine animals that are known to grieve and cry like humans.



Elephants are well-known for their strong social bonds and human-like behaviour. It has been observed that when a member of their herd dies, elephants stand together to mourn the loss.



Dolphins form close-knit groups and show clear signs of grief when one of their own ventures away or dies. It has been observed that their voice and vocalisations change when they are in distress.



Gorillas are extremely intelligent and emotional animals. When a member of their troop dies, they have been observed to sit quietly next to the body.



Chimpanzees, who are the closest human relatives, also show grief and mourn when they lose someone. They might refuse to eat and sit in mourning with the body.



Cows are important and sacred for Hindus all over the world. And these animals are also extremely close to their fellows and humans. When a calf gets lost or dies, the cow is known to bellow in search and also sheds tears.


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Wolves form tight family units and are extremely loyal to their pack. When someone from their pack dies, the rest of the pack shows visible signs of mourning by howling mournfully.



Whales, like dolphins, are highly social and emotional creatures. When a whale dies, others in the pod have been observed to stay with the body, sometimes for weeks.



Dogs are known for their loyalty towards their humans. So, when a fellow dog or their human goes away or dies, they show signs of grief by whining, howling, refusing food, and the like.



Some bird species, such as parrots and crows, also show and observe mourning. Their signs of grief include refusing to eat, not talking, cawing loudly, etc. Crows have been observed holding ‘funerals’ for their fellows.


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