How to flag AI-generated deepfake content on YouTube and what happens to these videos

YouTube enables users to report AI-generated videos of themselves through a dedicated privacy complaint process. Creators have 48 hours to remove flagged content. While success isn't guaranteed, this step shows promise in tackling the misuse of deepfakes.
How to flag AI-generated deepfake content on YouTube and what happens to these videos
Deepfake videos, whether funny or malicious, are becoming a growing concern. YouTube is taking steps to address this by allowing individuals to report videos that use AI-generated versions of themselves. This reporting system relies on the affected person to flag the video, unlike other forms of YouTube abuse reporting. As AI technology improves, online platforms will need even stronger measures to combat the misuse of deepfakes.

How to report an AI-generated video

If you find a YouTube video featuring an AI-generated version of yourself, here's how to report it:
Head over to YouTube's Privacy Complaint Process
Follow the steps until you reach the final stage (step 6) where you'll see the option to "Report Altered or Synthetic Content."
This option, explained further on a dedicated YouTube page, targets videos where "content that looks or sounds like you but was significantly edited or generated by AI or other tools" appears.
For example, YouTube can ask users to remove content that uses someone's name, picture, or other private details without their consent. If someone has used AI to alter or create synthetic content that looks or sounds like a user, they can ask for it to be removed.

However, to qualify for removal, the content should depict a realistic altered or synthetic version of the user’s likeness.

What happens when a video has been flagged

After following YouTube's privacy process, the creator has 48 hours to take it down. Options include removing the identifying info or blurring faces.
However, YouTube prioritises takedowns and won't accept simply making the video private. While success isn't guaranteed, and the company will prioritise firsthand reports, this can be a promising step against the rise of deepfakes.
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TOI Tech Desk

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