World’s 5 most iconic unfinished structures, and their untold stories

TRAVEL TRENDS, WORLD Created : May 28, 2024, 09:00 IST

World’s 5 most iconic unfinished structures, and their untold storiesCredit: iStock

World’s 5 most iconic unfinished structures, and their untold stories

Despite years of hard work and significant investments, some landmarks remain unfinished due to factors like manpower shortages, funding issues, and more. Yet, these incomplete structures often possess a unique beauty that merits a visit. Here are some of the iconic unfinished landmarks worldwide.

Hassan Tower, MoroccoCredit: iStock

Hassan Tower, Morocco

Construction on this iconic tower began in 1195 during a time of growth in the Islamic world. Meant to be the minaret of a grand mosque in Rabat, Morocco, it stands at 144 feet, only half of its intended height. Progress halted with the death of its architect in 1199. Despite an earthquake in 1755 destroying much of the site, the Hassan Tower remains alongside vast marble floors and supporting columns. Its unique design features ramps instead of stairs, reflecting the ingenious methods of its time. Decorative inscriptions mirror other architectural marvels by its architect, making Rabat and the Hassan Tower a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York CityCredit: iStock

Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City

One of the world's largest churches, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, remains unfinished. Construction began in 1892, driven by Reverend Horatio Potter's vision, but his passing in 1887 delayed progress. Ground was broken for the nave in 1916, and despite being over a century old, completion remains uncertain. Located on Amsterdam Avenue in New York City, ongoing construction aligns with community-focused priorities, with no set timetable for its finalisation.

Crazy Horse Memorial, South Dakota<a rel="nofollow" href="#"> Photo by:</a> , <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">Creative Commons Attribution Licence</a>

Crazy Horse Memorial, South Dakota

Around a million visitors annually journey to South Dakota's Black Hills to see the unfinished Crazy Horse memorial. Depicting the Oglala Lakota chief who prevailed at Little BigHorn in 1876, this monumental sculpture remains incomplete despite starting in 1948. Intended to be the world's largest, it will stand four times taller than the Statue of Liberty and surpass Mount Rushmore in scale. However, progress has been sluggish due to funding challenges and controversies surrounding its construction.

National Monument, ScotlandCredit: iStock

National Monument, Scotland

Construction on this monument began in 1822 to honor Scottish soldiers and sailors lost in the Napoleonic Wars, but funding fell short. Only 12 columns were erected atop Carlton Hill in Edinburgh, replicating the Acropolis design, before funds dried up in 1829. Despite discussions about its use for museums or government buildings, the monument remains incomplete. Yet, it remains a favored spot for picnics and leisurely walks.

Ryugyong Hotel, North KoreaCredit: iStock

Ryugyong Hotel, North Korea

The Ryugyong Hotel in North Korea, intended to be the world's tallest hotel, remains unfinished since its construction began in 1987. Originally slated for completion in 1989, economic setbacks halted progress, leaving the 105-story structure unused. Despite sporadic construction efforts over the years, the hotel has never opened its doors to guests. Recent sightings of construction activity hint at a possible revival of efforts to complete the iconic pyramid-shaped building, potentially making it a must-see destination if finished.

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