Strangest drinking traditions from across the world!

Panchali Dey, TIMESOFINDIA.COM, TRAVEL TRENDS, WORLD Created : Feb 2, 2022, 19:00 IST

Photo courtesy: Canva

Strangest drinking traditions from across the world!

While drinking has always been associated with festivities and celebrations, many cultures consider alcohol an integral aspect for their socialising. However, apart from the different types of liquor, did you know that many countries across the globe also have strange traditions?If this has made you curious, you should definitely know some of the strangest drinking traditions from across the world.
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Germany - kidnaping the bride-to-be

As per a widespread German tradition, there is pre-wedding drinking practice, where the groom’s best man is honoured with a task of mock kidnapping the bride-to-be, while leaving subtle hints for the groom. As per this tradition, the bride-to-be and her kidnapper can drink until the groom shows up to rescue his bride and pays the bill. Nowadays, this ritual is more common in villages.
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Ukraine - drink from the bride’s shoe

If you ever happen to attend a traditional Ukrainian wedding, you will witness that it is their custom to steal one of the bride’s shoes. So brides are expected to keep their feet on ground, or else their shoes might be stolen. If a guest manages to accomplish this task, he is entitled to make any demand. And very often, the wedding party is made to drink wine from that stolen shoe of the bride.Now, you must be thinking that the entire process is going to be gross, but don’t worry, no one actually drinks from the shoes itself. In fact, a glass will be tied to the shoe, and guests will make merry with that!
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Czech Republic - maintaining eye contact

The Czechs take their drinking practises very seriously. When it comes to enjoying drinking here, you must have a cautious approach to clinking glasses. People in the Czech Republic toast to the health of every person present on the table, and it doesn’t matter what the size of the party is. Also, they should maintain intense eye contact; it’s considered a bad omen if they fail to do so.As per Czech folklore, if anyone disregards the country’s drinking customs, it could result in seven years of disastrous sex! To avoid this, you must ensure that when you clink your glass during toasting, and your arms don’t cross with any of your party; secondly, make sure, not a single drop of liquid is spilled from your glass.However, there is a saving grace. As per their custom, this ritual is performed for the first drink of the night.
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Georgia - countless toasting

The strangest thing about Georgian drinking customs is their interest in copious amounts of toasting. From friends and family to pets and fruits, Georgians are just elated to raise a toast to anything and everything. When they are in a group, someone assumes the role of Tamada, the toast master who will keep making intermittent speeches throughout the evening. As per their customs, Tamada is the dictator of the table, who proposes a toast and then offers extensive emotional oration afterwards.But do note that they consider it bad luck if toasting is done with anything except wine or brandy. And, if a toast is raised with any other drink, it’s considered insulting to what is being toasted, thereby making the entire act an anti-toast.
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Thailand - no bottoms up

As per Thai culture, it is deemed rude to finish your drink. As such, one is expected to have a glass at least half-full during all times. However, this does not mean that drinking in Thailand is not meant for the faint hearted. There is a catch here though, you are allowed to eventually finish that glass of drink after the oldest person leaves the table. But, do you inquire about everyone's age before you sit down for a drink in Thailand? Well, this you have to experience and share, as there is no sureshot way to do so.
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Tanzania - cow’s blood added to wine

An average tourist might not get an opportunity to hang out with the tribe of Masaai warriors in Tanzania. However, if you are lucky enough to meet them, there are certain things you should be aware of. Masaai warrior’s drink of choice is honey mead or honey wine, which they mix with cow’s blood. This means, a cow is first injured with an arrow, then the blood that bleeds out is mixed with the wine. After that, the cow is taken care of and allowed to live. Do note, that this beverage is only reserved for special occasions.
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Russia - no empty glass

An average Russian is known to drink around 15 litres of pure alcohol every single year! Apart from being known as one of the world’s most alcohol-dependent nations, it’s also known for a rather interesting drinking tradition. As per their customs, an empty glass shouldn’t be seen on the table as they consider it bad if empty vessels are left hanging about, so one is expected to leave their empty glass on the floor underneath your table once they finish the drink.
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