India’s most amazing bungee jumping destinations

ADVENTURE, INDIA Updated : Jun 6, 2022, 14:13 IST

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India’s most amazing bungee jumping destinations in India

Bungee jumping is an evolution of a prominent childhood pastime. Although few of us have tried it, there are a surprising number of places in India where you can go bungee jumping. While a majority of bungee jumping locations in India are outdoors, they can also be found in amusement parks.Here are five of our favourite places in India to go bungee jumping.
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While Uttarakhand is a haven for peace and contemplation, Rishikesh has a wild side that is a surprising addition to its spiritual significance. At regular intervals, breathless screams of thrill and excitement pierce the peaceful surroundings of Mohan Chatti village. That is because the highest independent bungee jumping in India is available here at Jumpin Heights. The cantilevered platform juts out over an 83 m high rocky cliff face, providing you with the ultimate adrenaline rush with a controlled free fall.
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Della Adventures in Lonavala is an adventure playground for daring thrill-seekers. It is one of India's largest adventure parks and one of the safest places to bungee jump in the country. You jump off a hanging platform that is raised from the ground level, rather than a fixed platform. It may not be India's highest bungee jump at 45 m, but it is thrilling nonetheless. At the end of your jump, you'll even get a certificate.
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If you want to fall from a great height only to be pulled back at the last possible moment, Ozone Adventures is the place to be. You can plan your bungee jumping adventure for your next holiday in Bengaluru at one of the many Club Mahindra resorts in Karnataka. The jump is only 130 ft, but the thrill is immeasurable. The authorities have put in place all the recommended safety measures and strictly follow them.
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A trip to Delhi is more of a historical and cultural adventure. However, Wanderlust, based in Lodi Gardens, has made it its mission to put Delhi on the Indian adventure map. The 140 ft bungee jump is an adrenaline-pumping plunge into the unknown. You can get a certificate, cap, and t-shirt that says "I did it!" if you pay extra. Ziplining, paintball battles and adventure towers are also available at Wanderlust. The bungee jump, on the other hand, is a real adrenaline rush.
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Goa is one of India's most exciting bungee jumping locations. The jumping platform is hung 25 m above the ground from a crane, which is a good height for a first jump. You can easily spend a day filled with thrills and excitement at Anjuna Beach, which also offers other water-based adventure activities.
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