Protesters storm parliament, fire breaks out amid tax protests

In a dramatic escalation, thousands of anti-tax demonstrators breached the Kenyan parliament building in Nairobi, leading to parts of the structure being set ablaze. The protesters were reacting to the passage of a controversial finance bill that introduces new taxes, which they argue will worsen the cost-of-living crisis for millions of Kenyans. (Picture credit: AFP)


Legislators evacuate as chaos unfolds in parliament

Amid the chaos of the protest, Kenyan lawmakers were urgently evacuated from the parliament building. This evacuation underscores the severity of the unrest and the depth of opposition to the newly passed tax measures, which many citizens believe are unjust and burdensome. (Picture credit: Reuters)



Fatalities and numerous injuries reported in violent clashes

The protests turned deadly with at least ten protesters shot dead and fifty others injured by gunfire in Nairobi. This violence marks a significant escalation in the conflict between the Kenyan government and its citizens over the finance bill, raising serious human rights concerns. (Picture credit: Reuters)


Police use tear gas and live ammunition to disperse protesters

As demonstrators surged towards the parliament, police deployed tear gas and fired live ammunition to control the crowds. The sound of gunfire echoed through Nairobi, resulting in several injuries and highlighting the brutal response to the protests against the government's tax legislation. (Picture credit: AFP)


Emergency medical response mobilised across cities

In response to the violent clashes, medics established temporary emergency shelters in various cities to treat the injured. These efforts, supported by community donations, demonstrate a strong sense of solidarity among Kenyans in the face of the government's harsh measures. (Picture credit: Reuters)


Nationwide unrest as protests spread beyond Nairobi

The demonstrations against the tax increases have spread across multiple cities in Kenya, reflecting widespread discontent. Protesters from different regions have united in their demand for the government to scrap the new taxes and have also called for President William Ruto's resignation. (Picture credit: AFP)


Allegations of abductions and torture by police

Civil society groups and the Law Society of Kenya have reported numerous cases of abductions, torture, and extrajudicial killings allegedly conducted by police. These reports claim that prominent critics of the finance bill were targeted and taken from their homes, workplaces, and public spaces, intensifying fears of government repression. (Picture credit: AFP)



Contradictory government stance on protests

While President Ruto, attending an African Union retreat, expressed pride in the youth's engagement in democratic processes, the early morning abductions of activists by suspected police forces suggest a contradictory stance. These actions have cast doubt on the government's willingness to engage in sincere dialogue with its citizens. (Picture credit: Reuters)


Public backlash against economic hardships

The newly passed finance bill, which includes taxes on various goods and services, aims to address Kenya's fiscal deficits but has faced significant backlash. Critics argue that the additional taxes will further strain the already difficult economic conditions, prompting massive public protests and calls for governmental accountability. (Picture credit: Reuters)


Youth-led movement drives nationwide protests for change

The anti-tax protests have been largely driven by young Kenyans using social media platforms to organize and mobilize. This leaderless movement has transcended traditional social divisions, focusing on economic security and social equality. Young activists have employed innovative methods, such as translating the bill into local languages and simplifying it with AI tools, to engage a broader audience and amplify their demands for change. (Picture credit: Reuters)