Make an upcycled Doctor Who t-shirt

You will need

  • An old t-shirt
  • Scissors
  • Paintbrush
  • Fabric paint
  • An old toothbrush
  • A cardboard template
  • Tape

Step 1

Print out the template and cut out the character that you would like to use on your t-shirt.

Step 2

Grab your template and secure it on your t-shirt where you’d like it to be. It doesn’t have to be in the middle, you can be creative and put it at the bottom or even on the back!

Step 3

Choose the colour of fabric paint you are going to use and gently dunk your toothbrush into the paint - you might want to wear an apron or some old clothes to do this bit as the paint can be messy!

Step 4

Holding the toothbrush close to your t-shirt, use the bottom handle part of the paint brush to rub along the bristles which should flick the paint onto the t-shirt and around your stencil.

Step 5

Allow the paint to dry (this could take up to 24 hours), once it’s dry peel off your template.

Step 6

If you would like to add extra detail to your stencil you can do this using the paint brush and your fabric paint. If you do this then don’t forget to wait for it to dry again before wearing it.

There you have it, your very own cosmically upcycled Doctor Who t-shirt - share a picture of yours with us using the button below!

More Doctor Who fun on Blue Peter

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