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Biocon  /  Businesses  /  Generics


Life-saving solutions
that are cost-saving

Innovative science and an entrepreneurial culture drive us to develop path-breaking therapies. But it is our commitment to transform lives that  pushes us further, to put medicines that are safe, effective and affordable, within patients’ reach. Generics offer an equally safe and effective option as their branded counterparts as well as substantial savings.


Generics offer an equally safe and effective option as their branded counterparts as well as substantial savings.


If more prescribers substituted generics for brand-name drugs, drug spending could drop substantially. Keeping with this mission, Biocon is focused on delivering a basket of quality products to patients, partners and healthcare systems across the globe.

The Generics market today

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) describes a generic drug as, “a medication created to be the same as an already marketed brand-name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use.”

Generic drugs account for about two-thirds of prescriptions filled in the United States. Developing a new drug can take up to 15 years or more and cost up to $5 billion. A patent life varies from country to country, but can last up to 20 years. In comparison, the cost savings offered by generic drugs position them as a better option as they are equally safe and effective. They also reduce the burden of healthcare costs for patients, providers and healthcare systems. If more prescribers substituted generics for brand-name drugs, drug spending could drop substantially. Keeping with this mission, Biocon is focused on delivering a basket of quality products to patients, partners and healthcare systems across the globe.

Symbiotic partnerships with innovators

We firmly believe that everyone has the right to affordable, accessible healthcare. We are passionate about developing affordable treatments that can transform patients’ lives. This propels us to go beyond our universe and collaborate with partners with cutting-edge technologies that can deliver quality and reliability for our products. Partnerships give us the advantages of optimising manufacturing and commercialisation costs and accelerating scalability.


Partnerships give us the advantages of optimising manufacturing and commercialisation costs and accelerating scalability.

Business Segments

Aiming to fulfil the global demand for Generics

Our Strengths




Siddharth Mittal
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