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Sathvik Guruprasad

Sathvik Guruprasad

Senior Global Process Leader

B'Com, PG Diploma in Business Administration

Bengaluru, India

Our career counseling center is dedicated to help individuals navigate the complexities of choosing and pursuing a fulfilling career path. Our center is led by a professional with deep knowledge of various industries, job markets, and educational pathways. At the heart of our career counseling center lies a commitment to understanding each clients unique strengths, interests, and aspirations. We play a vital role in empowering individuals to make informed decisions and achieve their aspirations
Sathvik Guruprasad is a seasoned career professional with two decades of experience in people management, program management, project management, and workforce management. His diverse background in the corporate world has equipped him with a unique and holistic perspective on navigating professional journeys. Throughout his career, Sathvik developed a deep appreciation for aligning individual talents and aspirations with organizational needs. As a counselor, he intends to tailor his approach to each client, taking into account their personality, skills, and life circumstances. Sathviks expertise in people management provides insights into interpersonal dynamics and leadership development. His program management experience enables him to guide clients through complex career transitions and develop actionable plans. His project management skills aid in job searches, interview preparations, and professional branding. With his workforce management expertise, Sathvik advises clients on industry trends and labor market dynamics, ensuring they receive relevant and informed guidance. Beyond his professional expertise, Sathvik is known for his empathetic approach and genuine concern for his clients well-being. He believes in discovering a sense of purpose and aligning ones work with their values and life goals. Through personalized counseling sessions, workshops, and seminars, Sathvik has helped a number of team members within the corporate structure and is now expanding to students and professionals outside his circle to help a larger population based on his experience.
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