Tejas Ravi Shankar



City: Mumbai

School: Bombay Scottish School Mahim, City International school, Fravashi Academy Nashik

College: Mithibai College

Profession: Actor, Dancer, and Voice Over Artist.

Interests: People

Favourite quote:
"You are the creator of your own Destiny."

What gives you a high:
Proving to myself day in and day out that I am capable enough and able enough to achieve my small goals for each day, which leads me to my bigger goals.

One law that you would like to break:
The law of gravity, to be able to see what it feels like to actually fly.

If you win Mr India what would your first big splurge be:
Hook my room up with an AC, Bose speakers, an iMac and a Netflix pack, to be able to binge watch all the shows I have missed out on.

What's the craziest thing a girl has ever done for you to impress you:
Made me a Poke ball and written a note next to it saying "I choose you".

Any one beauty queen you would like to go on a date with:
Priyanka Chopra.

Rate in order of priority, the three qualities that every man must possess:
Humility, Balance, and Diversity in personality.

One achievement that will make you feel your life was a huge success:
If at the end of my life I see that I was able to influence every life I ever touched, to believe that the true agenda of this whole big confusion is to get to happiness, I will believe my life was a huge success.

Rate in order of personal preference the three qualities that turn you on in a woman:
Humour, Intellect, and Looks.

What is the craziest rumour you have heard about yourself:
I am too boring a person to create rumors about.

If you were to go on a beach vacation with any female celebrity who would that be:
Katrina Kaif.

If you were to give one bit of advice to the youth today, what would that be:
Be good to yourself and to others.

Your body to you means:
A factory.

According to you which male celebrity has the fittest body:
Akshay Kumar.

What do you like better: Gadgets or Sports:

Favorite movies :
Nayak, 3 idiots, Luck by chance, and ZNMD.

Favourite cuisine:

According to you, love is: