Khushi Ajwani



Age: 20

City: Mumbai

School: Auxilium Convent High School, Wadala

College: Jai Hind College

Profession: Model

Interests: Reading, Gymming, Nature, Badminton

Favourite quote:
No one is you and that is your power

Khushi Ajwani
is a determined, optimistic, and passionate 20-year-old working in the field of mental health awareness. She pursued her Bachelors in Psychology and recently graduated from Jai Hind College, Mumbai. She is an avid reader, enjoys playing badminton, and has a keen interest in learning new languages. Working out is her favorite thing to do as it helps her stay fit physically and mentally. In addition to being an academic brilliance, she has also excelled in extracurricular activities and efficiently managed to perform well both in school and in college. Khushi was 16 when she first faced the camera, and that's when she realized she wanted to explore modeling as her passion, after which she trained and groomed herself for pageants. She aims to spread awareness on Mental Health not only in India but in all parts of the world. Khushi comes from a family where she has always been taught to be hardworking, disciplined, and dedicated towards her goals. One of her goals is to represent India on an international platform and make our country and its people proud.


How best would you describe your personality?
Passionate, Confident, Curious, and Ambivert

What is your all-time favorite movie or book?
The secret

Who is the most influential person in your life?
My dad. He is a self made man. His hard work and work ethic really inspires me. Also, he’s the most kindest and loving man I know and I strive to be like him in life.

What are the three best qualities you possess?
Confidence, Ambitious, Self- reliance

What is your biggest fear?
Losing my loved ones.

Describe your favorite memory of your college life?
There are many actually. Bunking lectures and spending time with my friends , organising various events was so much fun!

What was the craziest rumor you ever heard about yourself?
None as far as I remember.

Which public personality would you like to hang out with?
I would love to spend time with Priyanka Chopra to see what is it like to be with her, get to know her in person , learn from her all I can and see how she does what she does to inspire people around her!

What is your motto of life?
Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.

One thing you miss about your college life amid pandemic?

I really miss seeing my friends everyday and spending time with them on the campus!

What would be your advice for the youth of today?
Believe in the beauty of your dreams. Work hard, give your all and trust the timing of your life.

What does Campus Princess mean to you?
Campus Princess to me is a journey I will cherish for life. I have learnt so much during the whole period of it that will not only help me in pageantry further but I can say that it has groomed me for life.

If you were to be granted one wish, what would you ask for?
I would ask for a peaceful world.