Trisha Shetty



Age: 22

School: Army Public School, Pune

College: Symbiosis College, Pune

Profession: Model & Actor

Interests: Calligraphy, Debates , Dance, Yoga, Swimming

Crowned: LIVA Miss Diva 2023 Runner up

Favourite quote:
Perception is merely reality filtered through the prism of your soul.

Trisha Shetty, a 22-year-old Psychology Graduate, professional model and actor, embodies a captivating blend of traditional and contemporary grace. Hailing from Karnataka and nurtured in Mumbai, Trisha's artistic expression ranges from dance forms like Bharatnatyam, Kathak, and belly dancing to National level calligraphy and engaging in debates. Her educational journey spans seven schools, including an army school, instilling adaptability and resilience within her. She views Psychology as a tool enabling her to understand herself and others, unravelling the essence of what truly makes us all HUMAN. She is also an accomplished state-level swimmer and practices yoga, meditation, and pilates for holistic development. The name "Trisha" embodies desire, and with her aspiration to harmonise with the universe, she presents her most authentic self before you.


Who is the most influential person in your life?
The most influential person in my life is my grandmother. She selflessly cared for my mother and her five siblings without a hint of complaint. Even in the absence of my grandfather, she ensured they all thrived. While a significant part of her life was dedicated to her children’s well-being, her determination to inspire us even today shines through her ability to care for herself and hold the family together independently. This resilience is what truly makes her a superwoman in my eyes.

What is the proudest moment of your life?
My brother holds an incredibly significant place in my life, and seeing him smile on his birthdays has been my heartfelt wish. I've gone from creating handmade cards to finally surprising him with a trip to his dream country, Vietnam, this year, and the joy I felt from this gesture was unparalleled. Having the financial freedom to make this happen was a source of immense pride and marked one of the proudest moments in my life.

Words that best define your personality:
Cool as cucumber and gregarious.

The beauty queen that inspires you the most and why?
I’m deeply inspired by the magnetic energy of Lara Dutta, a figure I immensely respect. Her wisdom and a strong sense of self are qualities I aspire to imbibe. Her representation of our country ignited my passion to strive for the crown and bring it back home.

What does Miss Diva mean to you?
Miss Diva symbolizes fierceness, vision, and influence to me. My desire to be a part of Miss Diva began long before I could articulate the reasons behind my aspiration. Watching our remarkable representatives thrive on international stages fueled my passion for the legacy of these incredible women. The Miss Diva crown leads to where the world's strongest and most beautiful women come together, showcasing the diverse beauty of every corner. The chills that rush through me when I hear 'India' is as a reminder of the depth of my commitment to this crown.

A social cause close to your heart and why?
A social cause that deeply resonates with me is the insufficient emphasis on mental health education. As a psychology student, I was troubled by the stark gender imbalance in a psychology classroom, with a ratio of 9 girls to 1 boy. Mental health doesn't pertain to a specific gender or social class. My aspiration is for mental health education to be integrated into school curriculums at a young age, instilling self-awareness from early on. This approach would lead to greater empathy and compassion towards others, creating a more understanding and humane world.

What is the craziest rumour you ever heard about yourself?
The craziest rumour I have heard about myself involves me supposedly dating Brad Pitt. We might know the mastermind behind this rumour.

Three qualities that every woman must possess?
A strong sense of self, self-sufficiency, and visionary.

What are your expectations from LIVA Miss Diva 2023?
I emphasize the value of my efforts and contributions along the way rather than solely focusing on the ultimate results. The journey itself presents incredible opportunities for growth and learning. Nonetheless, my unwavering intention at each stage remains to proudly wear the Liva Miss Diva 2023 crown by the journey's end and proudly represent India in front of millions.

If you win Miss Diva, what would be your first big splurge?
Should I win Miss Diva, my first big splurge would be on setting up an ornate and secure display case to house my crown and sash to ensure that these cherished mementoes would be in my vision and I could relive the memories they hold for the entirety of my life?

If granted one wish, what would you ask for?
If I had one wish, I would ask for the power to absorb new forms of expression effortlessly. From dancing to debating and even acting, I've consistently pushed myself to step out of my comfort zone regarding self-expression. I desire to master diverse skills and immerse myself in cultures that currently lie beyond my grasp, and I aspire to foray into the world of entertainment.

If you had to choose one element of nature you relate to the most, which would it be (Earth, water, fire, wind or space)? And why?
I identify with the essence of water, embodying its fluidity and adaptability. While stagnant water can breed contamination, the unrelenting force of water resonates with my uncompromising actions. Much like water gracefully navigates through creeks; my adaptability empowers me to navigate and excel in various circumstances.

What would be your advice for the future generation?
To the future generation, I urge you to embrace your true selves, acknowledging the challenges and triumphs shaping your journey. In an era marked by the pervasive impact of social media, we tend to compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reels. As the influence of digital platforms continues to expand, remember to understand life's genuine complexities and embrace them wholeheartedly.