Savannah Gankiewicz to take over the crown from Noelia Voigt who resigned over mental health concerns

May 10, 2024, 16:59 IST
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Savannah Gankiewicz to take over the crown from Noelia Voigt who resigned over mental health concerns
Miss USA swiftly appointed a new queen, with Savannah Gankiewicz of Hawaii stepping into the role. The announcement came shortly after the resignation of the previous titleholder, Noelia Voigt, who cited mental health reasons. Voigt, representing Utah, made history as the first Venezuelan American to win Miss USA.

In a statement, Voigt expressed her hope to inspire others to prioritize mental health and use their voices for advocacy. The Miss USA organization, along with Voigt, emphasized the importance of giving her the opportunity to speak freely, indicating a desire to release her from any confidentiality agreements.

Gankiewicz, the new Miss USA, is set to be crowned in a celebration on May 15 in Hawaii. She is recognized for her work as a model, entrepreneur, and program director for "What Makes You Feel Beautiful," a non-profit dedicated to fostering self-love in girls and women of all ages.
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