Here Is Why Every Fish Parent Needs To Invest In A Smart Aquarium

Written by Reisha Shetty
Posted on Apr 9, 2021, 18:03 IST
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Image: Shutterstock

Bringing home a fish might seem easy, maintaining the fish tank is anything but that! The number of hours spent cleaning the tank and making sure that the quality of the water is fine can be hectic. So, that's quite a reason to own a smart fish aquarium. The best way to take care of your aquatic pets, a smart aquarium has features that makes your job of looking after them much easier. Scroll down to know more about smart aquariums and what you need to keep in mind before investing in one.


What Is A Smart Aquarium?

Unlike the traditional fish tank, a smart aquarium has multiple built-in features that can make taking care of your pets much easier. The advanced technology makes sure that the health of your fish is never compromised. It focuses on creating a natural and healthy environment for them. With this, you can also keep a check on the water, pH and oxygen levels with the help of an in-built smartphone app that will send regular updates about the health of the tank. In some such tanks, the feature of automated feeder can help you feed your fish at regular intervals, even when you are not around to feed them in person.  


Image: Shutterstock


What Are The Key Features To Look Out For?

  • Water filtration
  • Automated cleaner
  • Temperature sensor
  • Water level sensor
  • pH level sensor
  • In-built lighting
  • Smart motor
  • Compatibility with a smartphone app



  • Easy to maintain and clean 
  • Automated feeders can give food to the fish even when you are not there
  • Can balance the pH levels, water height and lighting according to what is best for the fish
  • Makes the entire experience a lot easier



  • Expensive as compared to regular fish tanks
  • Annual maintenance of a smart aquarium can be troublesome
  • Not many variants are available in terms of size. These are mostly available in bigger sizes.


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