From the course: Ethics in the Age of Generative AI

What's new?

From the course: Ethics in the Age of Generative AI

What's new?

- Since we recorded this course, generative AI has enveloped us. Every month, new models are released with new features, with new emergent capacities, and humans have learned to use these tools in more and more effective ways. From the positives, the use in our workplaces and how we communicate with each other even somehow, and how our kids do their homework. And on the other side, we're seeing people begin to use these tools in less wonderful ways, using deepfake technology to affect elections and political discourse, or robot callers and scammers using GenAI to try to defraud us. Now, none of this is unexpected, but as we see these new applications, we have to return to the core of how we think about generative AI through an ethical lens. Do these tools advance our human interests? Do they ensure that we have more agency in the world? And as we come up with new and innovative ways to use GenAI tools, are we grounding ourselves in an understanding of dignity, of equity and justice? As you go into this course in a world where GenAI is everywhere, I'll encourage you to think about strengthening that capacity for ethical analysis. When you see a new news story or you see a new application of GenAI, I hope you'll ask yourself, "Who does this help? Who does this defend? Who does this support? How does it make us all more human?"
