From the course: Excel Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Renaming, inserting, and deleting sheets

Renaming, inserting, and deleting sheets

From the course: Excel Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

Renaming, inserting, and deleting sheets

- [Instructor] Many Excel workbooks have multiple sheets. This one is no exception. Six sheets, we see them at the bottom of the screen. Notice that the longer the sheet name is, the greater likelihood that it explains what the sheet is about, but it certainly takes up more screen space at the bottom. So as you work with workbooks that have more and more sheets, sometimes you think about those naming conventions. It's easy to rename a sheet. For example, on this worksheet, I want to change the name of West to be Pacific. So I click the West sheet, and I could right click, choose Rename, and Excel responds by highlighting that data, and we could type right over it. I think most Excel users are more likely to simply double click the sheet tab after selecting it. Double click, and I'll just type right over it, Pacific. The name can be up to 31 characters. Stay away from special characters. You can put in spaces in names.…
