From the course: Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

Challenge: Generating a poster

From the course: Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

Challenge: Generating a poster

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] So this is going to be a fun challenge. I want you to go ahead and create a poster for a movie about the future of AI, and then if you feel like it, let's go ahead and share them with one another. You can go ahead and post your poster on LinkedIn. You can use these hashtags, #learntechwithlinkedin, #promptengineering, #ai. If you want, you can mention me, so we can follow these posts. Let's see how this goes. So let's use AI to come up with the movie titles. So let's do like ChatGPT and ask it for three titles for a comedy about the future of AI. So here are three titles. We have "Artificially Hilarious," we have "Robot Ruckus," and we have "Artificial Intelligence Strikes Again." So we used AI to come up with these movie titles. Now, you go ahead, go to either Dall-e or Stable Diffusion and go ahead and create some poster art, and let's see what comes up. This is by no means a contest, even though I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.
