From the course: Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

Trying out Midjourney

From the course: Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

Trying out Midjourney

- [Instructor] Once you've created a Midjourney account, you'll be able to interact with the Midjourney bot using Discord. Now for these examples, I've created a paid Midjourney account which gives me a little bit more privileges as far as creating more images and keeping them private. And I've also created a Discord account that allows me to interact with the Midjourney bot. And once you've created this account, you'll be able to generate images using Midjourney. And I'm going to show you what I like to do when I create these images using text image models. So here I asked for a pineapple hanging out at the beach and it came up with this image. But then once I added a pineapple wearing sunglasses hanging out at the beach, the results are a bit better. And this is a kind of recurring theme when you prompt engineer for text to image models, be as particular as you can. Let me show you another example. I'm going to copy paste this. First I'm going to say /imagine and it's going to ask for the prompt and I'm going to paste this right here, but I'm going to say a happy pineapple wearing sunglasses hanging out at the beach. And I'm going to say comma 1950s pop art style. Now just adding a few more details really can make the generation a bit more interesting. So the cool thing is you can see these images slowly forming. And here you see something more original. Now I really encourage you to both add as much detail as possible and really experiment with different styles of art.
