From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Designing for conversion

Designing for conversion

- [Narrator] There are predictable human behaviors that have been observed. When you know and understand these behaviors, you can utilize them to build and design pages that are easy to understand and pleasing to the eye. They can also increase your conversions. The first behavior concerns the layout of a page. Now, anything that is immediately visible will be seen by 100% of your visitors. Anything that requires them to scroll down will lose people. This is called below the fold. The further down someone has to scroll to see the important information, the less likely people will do it. We try to keep important content as close to the top of the page as possible. The next pattern is extremely visible when people use a larger screen, and it's called the Z pattern. Their eyes start at the top left of the page, typically where the company's logo is displayed. And they move across the top right of the page. Usually this…
