From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Organizing secondary social media channels

Organizing secondary social media channels

- [Instructor] In this video, I'll be covering the next group of social media channels which fall into a wide variety of categories. First is social messaging, the ability to send messages to other users on the same app. We're most familiar with Apple's iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, and Telegram. However, the world's biggest messaging services are WhatsApp with over 1.5 billion users and WeChat. A broad category in social media is photo sharing. This takes place through a number of well-known media, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat. While the formats are different, the idea of sharing images is similar. Pinterest is focused more on developing pin boards of personal categories of images, articles, and media, from recipes to how-tos to funny animal pictures. These interests are curated or organized by each user and shared across the network, allowing others to add to their boards as well. Instagram…
