From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Reporting effective information

Reporting effective information

- [Instructor] How do I know what information is the important information in analytics? Unfortunately, analytics has suffered from information overload. Too many times have lengthy spreadsheets, charts, and graphs. Been used to communicate information resulting in drowsy eyes and confusion. One of the most important skills of an analyst is not just finding the important information, but communicating it. Typically, most people rely on dashboards for their initial information. By presenting a few graphs and charts, people can get a visual view of the right now status of meeting campaign goals. The problem is that many analytics programs have default dashboards, which means one size fits all. The dashboard may not contain the most important information for your business and your business goals. If so, it only provides some information that might be relevant, some of that is irrelevant. Most analytics products enable…
