From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Testing for improvement

Testing for improvement

- If you aren't testing and improving your website, your app, or campaign, you are giving away money to your competitors. When you do nothing you are assuming that everything was built perfectly. It will work perfectly and can't be approved upon. And we all know that's not possible. Improving conversion can be done through a scientific approach like testing. The easiest test to perform is called an AB test. This is where you test two versions of things but with only a single variable. For this site, an example of an AB test would be to test the call to action button at the top of the page, find your tour. The button size and color would stay the same but only the words would change for the test. This keeps the rest of the variables the same and the only difference is the text in the call to action button. I can then test both versions of the page and measure the results. Ideally, there is enough statistical significance…
