From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Tracking social media metrics

Tracking social media metrics

- Social media is notoriously lacking in clear measurements especially as they apply to organizational goals and objectives. While each social media platform provides its own metrics, they are specific to that platform and they rarely, if ever, provide a direct connection to your organization's goals. These measurements can be used to analyze performance on the platform, but they need to be integrated and tracked in your own analytics to find how successfully you are influencing your audience's behavior to come to your website or accomplish other goals. First, let's focus on measuring the right things in social platforms. To start, establish a clear definition. In this case of an impression or a view. Each platform has a different definition. For example, YouTube considers a view to be at least 30 seconds. Facebook and Instagram consider a view to be three seconds, even if the video is muted. TikTok videos count a view the…
